Statistik Austria

07/29/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/29/2021 01:10

Turnover in industry and construction for June 2021 significantly above pre-crisis level; strong increase in transport volume on the road in the second quarter of 2021

Press release: 12.576-167/21

Vienna,2021-07-29 - The flash estimatesfor industry and construction (ÖNACE B to F) by Statistics Austria for June 2021show an increase of the turnover index (+29.8%), a moderate increase of the index of persons employed (+1.3%) and an increase of the index of hours worked (+12.7%) compared to the same month of the previous year.

'Austria's industry and construction sector continues to prove itselve as economic locomotive in the fading Corona crisis and was even able to move up a gear in June 2021. Turnover was 21.1% above the pre-crisis level of June 2019, meaning that industry and construction already have outgrown the economic Corona crisis,' said Statistics Austria Director General Tobias Thomas.

Considering the industrial and the construction sector separately, the flash estimates for June 2021show a strong recovery of the turnover index in industry (+32.2%) and in construction (+18.2%) compared to the same month of the previous year. The index of hours worked increased in industry (+12.9%) as well as in construction (+11.9% compared to June 2020). The index of persons employed shows a slight incline in industry (+0.5%) and a positive development in construction (+4.1%).

In the reporting period April 2021, a total of 76 011 enterprisesin the entire industry and construction sectorturned over €27.4 bn (+45.7%). These figures coupled with a strongly increasing employment (1 001 095 persons, +3.9%). With €22.6 bn in nominal terms, industrialturnover increased by 45.9% in April 2021 compared to the previous year's month. The 39 563 Austrian constructionenterprises achieved a turnover of €4.8 bn in April 2021. This corresponds to an increase of 44.5% in nominal terms compared to April 2020.

For the second quarter of 2021 the flash estimatesfor road freight transportby vehicles registered in Austria showed a strong increase by 22,7% to 109.1 million tonnes (t). A growth compared to the same period of the preceding year was also registered in the total transport performance on Austrian and foreign territory (7.1 billion tonne-kilometres (tkm)) by 16.2% and in the number of laden journeys(7.8 million laden journeys) by 19.5%.

The transport performance within Austria rose by 17.4% to 5.2 billion tkm (2nd quarter 2020: 4.5 billion tkm), whereas outside Austriait augmented by 12.7% to 1.9 billion tkm (2nd quarter 2020: 1.6 billion tkm).

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