Land Information New Zealand

09/15/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/14/2022 16:05

Toitū Te Whenua LINZ upgrading website

15 September 2022

Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand is launching a new and improved website next week.

Kaihautū Organisational Effectiveness Claire Richardson says the changes to the site aim to make it easier for people to find information about New Zealand's whenua (land), moana (sea) and arawai (waterways).

"We've listened to our customers and made changes to improve the search function and streamline the layout, which we hope makes our information easier to find.

"Most of the base content remains the same, however it will have a refreshed, modern look and feel, while still being unique to Toitū Te Whenua.

"We've achieved this by featuring aerial images of Aotearoa from our free-to-use Basemaps tool and LINZ Data Service, as well as weaving Māori motifs that represent our purpose of understanding, developing and caring for whenua, moana and arawai.

"We can't wait to launch the new site and hear what people think of it, as well as continue to improve it over time."

Ms Richardson says the team has carried out user research with customers and staff throughout the site's development to help ensure the site is easier to use.

As part of the upgrade, our Notice to Mariners and NZ Chart Catalogue will be available on a separate but closely linked website:

The charts website has been separated from the main website to ensure it is as stable and secure as possible going forward.