DLA - Defense Logistics Agency

04/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/23/2024 08:20

DLA Troop Support host awareness event for Sexual Assault and Awareness Prevention Month

Philadelphia -

The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support hosted the Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence on April 10, continuing the observation of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.

"This year's event with the Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence, we focus specifically on bystander intervention and maintaining a safe environment at work and in our lives outside of work," said Gina Ingrao, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator for DLA Troop Support. "While the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month theme remains 'STEP FORWARD. Prevent. Report. Advocate', for 2024 we focus specifically on tackling harmful behaviors, providing comprehensive support to survivors, and promoting ongoing prevention efforts such as bystander intervention."
The event kicked off with an audience participation activity. Troop Support employees were asked to mediate an occurring confrontation between to people. The volunteers were then asked how they felt during the altercation and what made them want to step in.

"For the attendees, I want people to feel and imagine a way they can step in when they see a potentially violent situation," said Emma Halper, Education and Training Specialist at Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence. "They should feel there are a range of options to use when redirecting a possibly violent situation."

Ingrao mentioned the responsibilities all employees have in combating sexual assault in the workplace.
"A SARC is not only responsible for responding to incidents after they occur, but also for implementing prevention programs and raising awareness within the organization," said Ingrao. "The hope is to ensure we have a culture of respect and accountability and prevent future incidents. We all have a role to play in preventing sexual assault. Let's challenge harmful attitudes and behaviors all year long not just for SAAPM."
The Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence is the oldest, and largest rape crisis center in the state of Pennsylvania. Founded in 1971 and incorporated in 1973, they were formerly known as "Women Organized Against Rape". Their mission is to eliminate all forms of sexual violence through specialized treatment services, comprehensive prevention education programs, and advocacy for the rights of victims of sexual assault. The organization doesn't limit themselves to sexual violence prevention. They fight all forms of oppression including racism and gender-based violence.

More observances for Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month are happening within the month of April at DLA Troop Support. Every Tuesday in April is Teal Tuesdays, where employees are encouraged to wear teal to show their support.
Additionally, DLA Troop Support employees are encouraged to participate in the walk to stand up against and raise awareness sexual violence on April 18.
Lastly, DLA Troop Support will participate in Denim Day on April 24 were millions of people across the world will wear jeans as a means of solidarity for all victims of sexual assault.