City of Reno, NV

05/11/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/12/2022 00:30

May 11, 2022 Reno City Council Meeting Highlights

In our ongoing commitment to keep citizens and media informed, we've summarized the outcomes of a few key agenda items from today's Regular Meeting of the Reno City Council. Staff Reports with more information are linked to below:

B.3 - Wastewater Surveillance

Council approved an Interlocal Agreement for sharing costs associated with COVID-19 research related to wastewater surveillance between the City of Sparks, City of Reno, and Washoe County with the City of Reno contributing an amount not to exceed $504,258.66 in ARPA funding. The results of this testing has been provided to the City of Reno weekly and has informed community leaders to make decisions regarding management of the pandemic.

B.4 - Reno Stead Water Reclamation Facility

Council approved an Award of Contract to TNT Industrial Contractors Inc. for the construction of the Reno Stead Water Reclamation Facility (RSWRF) Reuse Pump Station Expansion and Control Upgrades Project in an amount not to exceed $1,378,682 from the Sewer Fund. The City operates and maintains a recycled water distribution system at RSWRF. This system provides water to regional parks, Sierra Sage Golf Course, and other customers, and is part of the overall effluent management serving the North Valleys. The upgrades will replace existing pumps, controls, and electrical equipment needed to increase service pressure and improve volumes and timing of flow delivery.

B.5 - Truckee River Public Art Project

Council approved an Agreement to commission artist Mila May for the Truckee River Pedestrian Pathway Public Art Project at the Wells Avenue overpass in the amount of $30,000 from Grant Funding and Room Tax. View the artist proposal for more information on Welcome to the Portal, which the artist describes as an interactive pedestrian walkway. Updated artist renderings are attached.

Fire Station Alerting System

Council approved two related items utilizing the 911 Surcharge Fund:

B.6 - An amended Agreement with PURVIS for a Fire Station Alerting System that includes software, hardware and services related to Public Safety Dispatch and Reno Fire Department in an amount not to exceed $850,000.

B.7 - An Agreement with POWERCOMM to install Fire Station Alerting System related to Public Safety Dispatch and Reno Fire Department in an amount not to exceed $350,000.

The City of Reno requires a new alerting system to replace the legacy system to ensure there is a reliable enhanced communication system between dispatch and the fire stations during fire emergency calls. This new system will enhance firefighter safety and improve service delivery.

B.8 - National Bowling Stadium Painting Project

Council authorized an award of contract in accordance with NRS competitive bidding laws for the National Bowling Stadium Exterior Painting Project in an amount not to exceed $700,000 from the Capital Projects Room Surcharge Fund. The current agreement requires an exterior refresh to be completed by February 1, 2023.

C.1 - Business Improvement District

Council heard three related items: (view the Staff Presentation for more information)

C.1.1 - There was a Public Hearing on any complaint, protest or objection to the assessment roll for the Downtown Reno Business Improvement District, and the determination of three Hardship Applications.

C.1.2 - Council adopted a Resolution dispensing with certain complaints, protests and objections made at the public hearing on the assessment roll for the Downtown Reno Business Improvement District; ratifying the cost of the project; and confirming said assessment roll and the assessments therein; to authorize the recordation of properties to be assessed in the Office of the County Recorder.

C.1.3 - Council approved an Ordinance Introduction and referred it for a second reading and adoption. The Ordinance provides for the levy and manner of collection of assessments for the Downtown Reno Business Improvement District.

C.2 - Moana Park and Fields Zoning Map Amendment

Council upheld the recommendation of the Planning Commission and referred the case for a second reading and adoption. This is a zoning map amendment on City-owned parcels from General Commercial (GC), Neighborhood Commercial (NC), and Single-Family Residential (SF-8) to Public Facilities (PF) on the ±21.79 acre site located south of Moana Lane, west of Baker Lane and east of Grant Drive. This new zoning brings the three parcels into conformance with the Master Plan. View the Staff Presentation for more information.

C.3 - 85 Keystone Avenue Specific Plan District

Council upheld the recommendation of the Planning Commission and referred the case for a second reading and adoption. This rezones a ±0.47 acre site from Professional Office (PO) to Specific Plan District (SPD) located on the southwest corner of the intersection between Keystone Avenue and West First Street. The proposed 85 Keystone SPD would allow for a mix of residential and commercial uses in addition to uses currently allowed in Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zoning. View the Staff Presentation for more information.

C.4 - Marvel Way Abandonment

Council heard a request for the abandonment of: 1) Home Gardens Drive located between South McCarran Boulevard and Airway Drive; 2) a portion of Marvel Way located between Airway Drive and Home Gardens Drive; and 3) a 20-foot-wide alley located at the northwest corner of Airway Drive and Home Gardens Drive. Council approved the staff recommendation and made the determination that the public will not be materially injured by the proposed vacation and approved the abandonment, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. View the Staff Presentation for more information.

D.1 - River Restroom Project

There was a presentation regarding an update on the One Truckee River Management Plan river restroom project and more proposed locations in downtown Reno. Council accepted the report and directed staff to proceed with City Plaza as the next location. Previous approved locations are Brodhead Park (installed) and John Champion Park (currently under construction).

E.1 - Issuance of Bonds (to finance major projects)

Council approved an Ordinance Introduction and referred it for a second reading and adoption. The Ordinance authorizes the issuance of the City's General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $60 million in order to finance:

  • a portion of the design, acquisition, construction, improving, and equipping of a Public Safety Center;

  • a portion of the costs of the design, acquisition, construction, improving, and equipping of a Community Aquatics & Fitness Center at Moana Springs;

  • and preliminary work to design a Fire Department Headquarters.

G.1 - Citizen Appointments to Boards and Commissions

Council approved the following appointments:

G.1.1 - Stacey Shinn (appointment) and Tracy Kimmons (alternate) to the Ward 2 Neighborhood Advisory Board.

G.1.2 - Jazzmeen Johnson to the Reno Housing Authority (RHA) as the RHA Resident appointment.

G.1.3 - Reappointment of Susan Burkhamer, Emily Lande, and Elton "Mac" Rossi to the Recreation and Parks Commission.

I.1 - Reno Iron Works

This item was continued from the April 13, 2022 City Council meeting. Council heard an Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a request for a Major Site Plan Review to construct a new ±40,000 square foot industrial manufacturing building that will result in: 1) grading cuts 20 feet or greater in depth and fills 10 feet or greater in height, and; 2) hillside development. The ±11.88 acre site is located on the east side of Spectrum Boulevard, ±1,552 feet north of its intersection with Dandini Boulevard. Based on Council's review of the staff report, the record on appeal, and information presented at the public hearing, and based on the ability to make all of the findings, Council affirmed approval of the Major Site Plan Review by the Planning Commission and denied the appeal.

I.2 - Jacobs Glow Plaza and Festival Area

Council heard an Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a request for a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow "Amusement or Recreation, Outside" and "Live Entertainment" land uses to facilitate outdoor festivals, concerts, recreation, and events. The ±2.32 acre site is located on seven parcels generally located south of West Fourth Street, east of Washington Street, and ±200 feet west of Ralston Street.

Based on Council's review of the staff report, the record on appeal, and information presented at the public hearing, Council affirmed the appeal and modified the decision of the Planning Commission as follows:

  • Add a condition that requires an annual report to Council with the first one to be completed within one year of the CUP.

  • Modify Condition #14 with the following details:

    • Operations and security plan needs to be approved by the City Manager or his designee.

    • The operations and security plan must include:

      • A process for staff to review events of any size at the site; and

      • Reimbursement for all City services required related to the event.

    • The updated operations and security plan that is required annually must be submitted after the annual report to Council and must be approved by the City Manager on an annual basis with the understanding that conditions are subject to modifications.

As modified, Council made the required findings as listed in the staff report, and approved the conditional use permit subject to conditions stated in the Planning Commission decision letter and as modified by Council.

Reno City Council meetings are streamed live at Reno.Gov/Meetings and televised live on Charter Spectrum - Channel 194. Past public meetings can be viewed on YouTube.