DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

05/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/17/2024 12:51

Zach Nunn Scrambles To Hide His Anti-IVF Record

The Des Moines Register is spotlighting Zach Nunn's extreme anti-IVF record after he continues to disingenuously claim he supports access to fertility treatments. The truth is, he voted for a bill in the state legislature that could jeopardize Iowa women's access to abortion, birth control, and IVF.

Just the day before the Register published their story on his misleading claims, Nunn - desperate for a talking point to cover up his record - signed on to a "useless " and "disingenuous" resolution that does absolutely nothing to protect fertility treatments.

Nunn still refuses to sign on to a bipartisan bill that would *actually* guarantee protections for IVF.

DCCC Spokesperson Mallory Payne:
"Nothing screams dishonest Washington politician like Zach Nunn signing onto a bogus resolution after he realized he couldn't get away with misleading Iowans on his anti-IVF record. Despite his talking points, Zach Nunn continues to make it clear he doesn't actually support access to IVF."

Des Moines Register: IVF could be a driving issue in Iowa congressional races. Where do the candidates stand?
Brianne Pfannenstiel | May 16, 2024

  • Debates over abortion and in vitro fertilization are expected to help shape elections in swing districts across the country this year, but experts say it's an issue that could also have resonance in a red state like Iowa.

  • Republican leaders in the Hawkeye State have taken steps to dramatically curtail access to abortion, raising concerns among some voters and advocates that fertility treatments eventually could get caught in the crosshairs.

  • U.S. Reps. Mariannette Miller-Meeks in the 1st District and Zach Nunn in the 3rd District, who are trying to defend their seats, have sought to emphasize their support for IVF while also maintaining that life begins at conception - a concept that was at the heart of a recent Alabama court case that triggered the temporary shuttering of treatment centers.

  • Nunn, who has often said he believes life begins at conception, expressed support for IVF in his candidate survey for the Register.

  • Like Miller-Meeks, Nunn has also co-sponsored a nonbinding resolution that calls for the support of IVF but does not provide legal protections.

  • He has not signed on to the Life at Conception Act in Congress, but Democrats have criticized his 2019 vote as a state senator to support legislation replacing the words "human pregnancy" in state law with "an unborn person." The bill defines "unborn person" as "an individual organism of the species homo sapiens from fertilization to live birth."

  • Democrats have said the language is tantamount to putting "personhood" language into state law and would threaten fertility treatments at the state level.

  • Lanon Baccam, a former U.S. Department of Agriculture official seeking the Democratic nomination in the 3rd District, said he believes "every Iowan deserves the right to start or grow their family on their own terms."

  • "If elected, I will co-sponsor the Access to Family Building Act to ensure every Iowan has access to in vitro fertilization. With attacks on IVF access happening right here at the state level, enshrining federal protections is more important than ever. Our current representative, however, has yet to sign onto this legislation guaranteeing Iowans' right to IVF."