Prime Minister's Office of Spain

10/22/2021 | Press release | Archived content

Sánchez defends the implementation of extraordinary measures to solve Europe's energy price rise problem

The president of the Government of Spain underlined: "We are facing an unprecedented crisis that requires extraordinary and innovative measures to bring the energy price situation under control. We have been working on this issue for the last few weeks and our country is being extremely proactive at all levels, with specific proposals to address the situation.

During his speech, Pedro Sánchez highlighted the three tools that Spain is proposing to solve the problem of rising energy prices: Avoiding speculation on coal markets, developing a joint European platform for the purchase of natural gas - to build a European strategic gas reserve - and encouraging forward power purchase contracts in the industrial sector.

In line with the Spanish proposal, the Council in its conclusions urges the European Commission to study the functioning of the gas and electricity markets, the behaviour of the sector, and medium and long-term measures to help achieve affordable energy prices. In this respect, the 27 have committed themselves to continuing to address this issue at the December European Council, following the extraordinary meeting of energy ministers scheduled for Tuesday 26 October.

On the evolution of the pandemic, the EU27 addressed the vaccination campaigns, in which Spain is a success story with almost 90% of the target population fully vaccinated, and universal access to vaccines, which is also supported by Spain. As Sánchez stressed, "Europe will not be safe until everyone is safe". Leaders envisage greater coordination to facilitate free movement within the EU and a review of the two recommendations on mobility.

The EU27 also addressed the question of the rule of law following the ruling of the Polish Constitutional Court. During the debate it became clear that the rule of law is a fundamental value of the European project. The President of the Government of Spain, who maintained a constructive stance, underlined "the work of the Commission as guardian of the Treaties" and insisted that the Government of Spain will support all actions taken by the Commission in defending the rule of law.

On trade, Spain is committed to the EU27 ensuring a true open strategic autonomy that will act as a lever for the EU's economic recovery. "An open Europe is a stronger Europe. We need to harness the EU's bargaining power to accelerate our economic recovery and extend our social, labour and environmental standards," stressed the head of the Executive. Sánchez stressed the importance of the EU strengthening ties with Latin America, making progress on the ratification of EU agreements with Mercosur, Mexico and Chile, and initiating a bilateral dialogue with the US on trade and technology.

On the EU's external relations, the leaders discussed COP26 in Glasgow, where the EU27 are calling for an ambitious global response to climate change in order to keep the global warming limit to 1.5°C; and the upcoming EU summits in the Indo-Pacific region and with the Eastern Partnership.

The European Council insisted that the political use of migrants by third countries will not be accepted and condemned hybrid attacks on EU borders. Member States have also addressed the external dimension of migration policy, while working on a New Migration and Asylum Pact that strikes a balance between responsibility and solidarity.

The EU27 have addressed the digital transformation of the EU, in which Spain is committed to making it responsible and fair, in order to leave no one behind. "I have reaffirmed the need to move towards a framework of digital rights, in line with the Digital Rights Charter that I presented on 14 July," concluded the President of the Government of Spain.

Non official translation