Financial Supervisory Authority

05/09/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/09/2021 01:00

Press release - Happy birthday Europe!

București, 9 mai 2021 - Cu ocazia sărbătoririi 'Zilei Europei', Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară salută efortul depus la nivel european pentru dezvoltarea piețelor financiare nebancare.

'71 years ago, an idea transformed Europe. Since then, every year, 'Europe Day' is an opportunity to remind ourselves of the strength of projects built on a common vision. At European level, such an approach is the Capital Markets Union, which aims to improve access to finance for companies and, in this way, boost economic development by integrating European capital markets. ' said the President of the Financial Supervision Authority, Mr. Nicu Marcu.

'As far as we are concerned, we are in the process of defining a national capital market strategy for the local market, as an integral part of this European context. We are going through a period of trials and the interconnection of capital markets is certainly one of the solutions for the stabilization and recovery of economies. ' also stressed the President of the A.S.F.

The Financial Supervisory Authority, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, is carrying out the project on the 'National Strategy for the Capital Market', financed from European funds, with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as a consultant. The OECD recently published the 'OECD Capital Market Review of Romania' Report (which can be accessed here), a first step in analyzing the Romanian capital market and formulating recommendations for the implementation of the Romanian capital market strategy.


Despre Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară

Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară este autoritatea naţională, înfiinţată în anul 2013 prin OUG 93/2012 aprobată prin Legea 113/2013, pentru reglementarea şi supravegherea pieţelor asigurărilor, a pensiilor private, precum şi a pieţei de capital. A.S.F. contribuie la consolidarea cadrului integrat de funcţionare a celor trei sectoare, care însumează peste 10 milioane de participanţi. Mai multe informaţii puteţi găsi pe
