U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

05/17/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/17/2022 08:15

WTAS: Broad Coalition of Support Grows for WRDA 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.- U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member and Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, as well as U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Chair and Ranking Member of the EPW Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee, today highlighted the broad support from local government leaders, business organizations, industry stakeholders, and environmental advocates for the Water Resources Development Act of 2022 (S. 4136), which passed unanimously out of committee earlier this month.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce
"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports the Water Resources Development Act of 2022. Reauthorization of America's water resources programs is critical to economic growth and meeting our ambitious climate and infrastructure goals … [WRDA] would also allow state, local, and private partners to move forward with needed planning and construction of smart, modern, resilient infrastructure that would ensure economic benefits to both rural and urban regions of the United States."

National Governors Association, National Conference of State Legislatures, National Association of Counties, National League of Cities, United States Conference of Mayors
"We strongly urge Congress to approve this vital bipartisan legislation in 2022… WRDA is critical in helping to protect, maintain, and further develop our water infrastructure systems including ports and waterways. It provides states and local governments with added stability and certainty to meet water infrastructure needs while also supporting the safety, environmental protection, and economic development of our communities."

Transportation Construction Coalition
"[The Water Resources Development Act of 2022] will provide a much-needed investment in our port infrastructure, at a critical time when supply chain shortages are hampering economic growth. The bill will address the harbor deepening and maintenance needs of commercially significant ports to ensure America can remain competitive globally."

American Association of Port Authorities
"Congress has made great progress to construct and maintain 21st century Federal navigation channels to ensure America continues its leadership in global trade. We now need passage of WRDA 2022 to authorize new construction projects and studies, as well as streamline Corps processes to efficiently deliver its products."

American Shore & Beach Preservation Association
"Passing a WRDA bill every Congress is essential to effective coastal management, allowing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to better work with states and local partners to plan, design, build, and manage critical coastal projects … We support the efforts of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works in developing this bill which is of great benefit to our members and associates."

American Waterways Operators and Waterways Council, Inc.
"[WRDA 2022] will help expedite the completion of inland waterways construction and major rehabilitation projects, yielding significant national economic benefits … Passing this legislation in regular order is critical to keeping America competitive by ensuring waterways reliability."

Associated General Contractors
"WRDA 2022 will create jobs, improve the quality of life for all Americans, protect our communities, facilitate waterborne commerce, restore environmentally sensitive areas of the country, and help grow our economy."

National Waterways Conference
"We applaud the committee for including provisions that strengthen engagement between USACE and non-federal sponsors and stakeholders. These provisions will build upon the work in previous WRDA bills."

National Grain and Feed Association
"The National Grain and Feed Association urges support of the Water Resources Development Act of 2022 … American agriculture's competitive advantage depends upon the quality, reliability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness of the national transportation system, including inland waterways and ports, rail service, highways, roads, and bridges."

National Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association
"[We support] efforts to improve and invest in all levels of our nation's infrastructure network, including critical navigable waterways that are essential to America's economic competitiveness … The WRDA authorization is a responsible bill, which provides aggregates producers from around the country the certainty needed to supply the worthwhile projects funded by this legislation."

Portland Cement Association
"Passage of the Water Resources Development Act is important to continuing the two-year cycle of passing legislation to authorize and advance new U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects … WRDA will advance projects to help communities with ecosystem restoration, flood risk management, and hurricane and storm risk reduction."

Port of Long Beach
"The Port of Long Beach supports the 2022 Water Resources Development Act … Constructing and maintaining federal navigation channels are critical for our national goods movement industry to thrive."

Port of Los Angeles
"[WRDA 2022] represents a strategic investment in our long-term competitiveness since it authorizes new construction projects and studies, which will ensure America's continued leadership in global trade."

Pacific Northwest Waterways Association
"This legislation will continue the critical investments needed in our nation's infrastructure at our ports and in our waterways … this bill's project focus will bring on-the-ground value to projects and communities throughout the nation, including the Pacific Northwest."

American Road and Transportation Builders Association
"The bipartisan consensus shown by WRDA's development and introduction reinforces that infrastructure policy remains an area that can attract cooperation on shared priorities. We greatly appreciate your leadership in finding common ground and delivering tangible outcomes for all Americans."

National Marine Manufacturers Associations
"WRDA 2022 includes improvements to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' recreation management, promotion of USACE navigation projects that support recreation access, combatting the spread of aquatic invasive species and further use of natural infrastructure solutions … [and] will increase American' access to the open waters."

National Parks Conservation Association
"This legislation continues to prepare the Army Corps to play its critical role in protecting coastal and riverine areas from climate-enhanced flooding and storms. The benefits to park landscapes are many, including more resilient and safer beaches, new or restored habitat for wildlife, improved water quality for drinking and outdoor recreation, and protection for people from flooding, sea level rise and storm surge.

Great Lakes Coalition
"[WRDA 2022] is an important step in funding and addressing water infrastructure needs across the nation and in the eight-state Great Lakes region … The Coalition commends the Committee's continued efforts to enhance the Army Corps resiliency mission in the face of climate change across the country and its recognition of the need to address the disproportionate impacts felt by our tribal and disadvantaged communities. These are important steps in protecting the communities most impacted by pollution and ensuring the benefits of Great Lake restoration and community resilience projects are enjoyed by all."

The Nature Conservancy
"The Senate's bipartisan Water Resources Development Act will help ensure the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is targeting federal resources to nature-based solutions where they are effective and needed most, including in disadvantaged communities … The bill also advances many vital ecosystem restoration projects that will reconnect rivers and wetlands to improve fish and wildlife habitat as well as slow the spread of harmful aquatic invasive species. We urge the Senate to quickly advance this package that will benefit both people and nature."

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