Neoenergia SA

06/18/2021 | Press release | Archived content

The novelty will be accompanied by the acquisition of electrical pliers, a more modern tool th ...

Neoenergia has invested in innovative initiatives in the operation that improve the safety conditions of the teams and reinforce the reliability of the energy supply. With this, the company will adopt compression technology for the application of connectors in the grid - necessary for the interconnection of circuits and conductors in distribution. The novelty will be accompanied by the acquisition of electrical pliers, a more modern tool that offers greater precision when making connections. Among the gains are increased safety and productivity for electricians, as well as improved power supply quality for customers.

The compression technology of application of the connectors is already used by Elektro, neoenergia concessionaire that serves part of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. From now on, the innovation will be expanded to the company's distributors in the Northeast - Coelba (BA), Celpe (PE) and Cosern (RN), with a future arrival in Neoenergia Distribuição Brasília (DF).

'In addition to contributing to safety and strengthening grid reliability with the adoption of compression technology, the use of electrical pliers generates increased productivity and improved working conditions for electricians, both from the ergonomic point of view and in relation to the comfort provided by the use of the tool,' explains Dayson Arantes, Neoenergia's superintendent of Technical Processes and Sustainability.

Until then, the application of the connectors was done using a manual tool that demanded the use of physical strength from the electricians, or an impact tool that required an additional item (gunpowder-based cartridge) to make each of the connections. Now the electric plier, which run on rechargeable batteries, are activated with the push of a button. 'The result is increased connection accuracy, since it eliminates much of the human error in the application, which provides better quality in the application of the material and consequently more robustness in the continuity of energy supply,' says Neoenergia's corporate supervisor of Safety Methodology, Cleber Sousa.

The connections that electricians make with electrical pliers are directly related to the energy that reaches customers. All the wires and cables that make up the electrical system, from the substations to the consumer units (homes, businesses, industries, etc.) are interconnected through these connectors. Therefore, these are essential items to ensure the quality and continuity of the electric energy supply to all customers. 'With Neoenergia's innovation, the application of the connectors in the grid will have a more efficient and precise technology. The change will be gradual, in a period that can take from one to two years, until the entire grid of the company's distributors in the Northeast receives the upgrade,' reports the manager of Technical Processes and Sustainability at Neoenergia, Thiago Caires.