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07/21/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/21/2021 09:23

Latest COVID Rules in UAE: Full List of Safety Regulations Across the Emirates

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Updated 21 July 2021

A new set of rules and guidelines have been introduced by the health authorities as a result of the easing of restrictions and increased mobility in the UAE.

Here's everything you need to know regarding the latest COVID rules in the UAE.

Safety protocols for social events

Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHaP) and National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) have announced a set of protocols for regulating social events and gatherings which are aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19 throughout the country.

Common preventive and precautionary measures for social occasions

  1. People must maintain a distance of no less than two metres between each other
  2. They must monitor symptoms and avoid going to the funeral in case they develop a symptom of any respiratory illness or get fever
  3. Prepare an isolation room in the event of a suspected case of COVID-19 infection
  4. Be aware of how the disease spreads, wash hands and follow etiquette while sneezing and coughing
  5. Advise people with chronic diseases and the elderly to not attend such events.


The new precautionary measures now effective in Dubai include:

  • Live entertainment and activities are afforded a one-month trial period starting 6 June. It may be extended should conditions remain favorable.
  • Hotels are now allowed full occupancy from the previous 70 percent. Entertainment venues can now operate at 70 percent capacity.
  • Wedding ceremonies may now accommodate up to 100 people at venues and hotels provided all staff and guests are vaccinated.
  • Wedding ceremonies taking place at homes are capped at 30 guests.
  • Brunches are now allowed.
  • 10 people are now permitted to sit at a table in restaurants, while 6 at cafes.
  • Social events such as concerts, shows along with sporting and institutional events are now permitted the audience, participants and staff have been inoculated.
  • Attendance for public events are capped at 1,500 people for indoor and 2,500 for outdoor.
  • Face masks and social distancing measures must still be observed in public and private gatherings.
  • Women's prayer rooms in mosques have now reopened.
  • In-person graduation ceremonies are allowed for private high school students.

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi has announced fresh COVID-19 related rules and measures. Limitations have been introduced to the capacities of commercial, economic and tourism activities. Here's what you need to know:

  • Federal government employees and workers, including those working in ministries, have returned to their workplaces.
  • Government and semi-government offices in Abu Dhabi is capped at 60% capacity.
  • Private sector employees in vital sectors and service industries must undergo a compulsory, free PCR test every two weeks.
  • Family members may be seated together at restaurants without a cap on numbers. Otherwise, only 4 diners are allowed at a table.
  • Shopping malls may operate at 40% capacity.
  • Restaurants, cafes, hotels and public beaches and parks cannot exceed 50% capacity.
  • Gyms, private beaches and swimming pools cannot exceed 50% capacity.
  • Cinemas have been reopened but are capped at 30% capacity.
  • Public transport, including buses and public ferries, is limited to 50% capacity.
  • A maximum of three passengers may travel in a five-passenger taxi and four in a seven-passenger one.
  • Up to 10 family members may gather but mask-wearing and social distancing protocols must always be observed.
  • Parties and other social gatherings have been banned.
  • Only vaccinated people can attend live events.
  • Abu Dhabi will restrict access to many public places for unvaccinated people from August 20
    • this includes shopping centres, restaurants, cafes, all retail outlets not within a shopping centre, gyms, recreational facilities and sporting activities, health clubs, resorts, museums, cultural centres and theme parks, as well as universities, institutes, public and private schools and nurseries.
  • Entry to the Emirate to vaccinated and unvaccinated passengers is allowed within 48 hours of receiving a negative PCR test result and within 24 hours of receiving a negative DPI one.
    • Those entering with a negative PCR result must take another on days four and eight after entry.
    • Those entering with a DPI test result must take a PCR test on days three and seven.
    • A DPI test cannot be used to enter Abu Dhabi consecutive times.
  • A nightly public space disinfectant program has been initiated wherein residents will have to stay at home between 12 AM and 5 AM unless 'absolutely necessary'. Residents can apply for a movement permit here.


The Sharjah Economic Development Department (SEDD) has introduced new measures with the aim of combating the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the city. According to SEDD officials, the following measures will be put into immediate effect:

  • The operating capacity of public transport has been reduced to 50 percent, while for commercial centres, it has been capped at 60 percent.
  • Cinemas and other entertainment activities have been asked to operate at a capacity of 50 percent.
  • Parks and beaches will be opened with 70 percent operating capacity.
  • Shopping centres, malls to operate at 60% of capacity.
  • Swimming pools and private beaches in hotels are allowed to function at 50 percent capacity.
  • Weddings and other social occasions cannot have more than 20 guests and they have to maintain at least 4 metres of distance between one another.
  • Tables at venues can seat four people at the most.
  • In addition to these measures, the authorities have postponed all musical concerts, which can be extended in accordance with the pandemic situation in the city.
  • Restaurants and eateries must adhere to social distancing measures in their premises, ensuring that no more than four people are sitting at one table.
  • In line with the new measures, employees of government and semi-government institutions across the emirate are required to undergo a weekly PCR test. However, employees in the private sector must undergo a PCR test once in two weeks. Authorities have made an exception for those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine in participation with the national vaccination programme.


Residents in Ajman will be required to follow the new COVID-19 guidelines:

  • Cafes, snack shops, and restaurants across the emirate will have to close by 12 am each day.
  • In addition, customer capacity at these spaces has been reduced to 50 percent.

Umm Al Quwain

Umm Al Quwain's Local Emergency Crisis & Disasters Management Team has introduced stricter restrictions and precautionary measures to curb Covid-19 infection spread. Here's what you need to know:

  • The new regulations would require a reduced capacity of shopping malls, public beaches, parks, and cinemas, and also has suspended all concerts.
  • Shopping centres are required to operate at 60 percent capacity.
  • Public beaches and parks are now permitted to operate at 70 percent capacity.
  • The capacity has been reduced to 50 percent in cinemas, fitness centres, private beaches and swimming pools in hotels.
  • At restaurants and eateries maximum of four people are allowed per table. Also, the tables must be spaced with two meters between them. Inspections will be increased to ensure compliance with all regulations.

Ras Al Khaimah

In order to curb the spread of coronavirus infection in the emirate, Ras Al Khaimah has imposed tough measures. The following are the new guidelines and rules have been extended till 31 August:

  • Entertainment venues, cinemas, fitness centres, gyms, pools and private beaches at hotels will now operate at a maximum capacity of 50%.
  • Public beaches and parks must operate at 70% and shopping malls at 60%.
  • Family gatherings and community events will be limited to 10 people and funerals to 20 people.
  • Restaurants and cafes must maintain a 2-metre distance between tables, with maximum of 4 people allowed sitting together, unless they are of the same family.
  • The management team also underlined and reminded the public to keep a distance of two-metre at all times from others, and to keep following the precautionary and preventive measures at all times.
  • Attendance of public events is reserved for fully vaccinated Emiratis.