Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

06/18/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/18/2021 05:28

Participants of the Slavic Brotherhood-2021 exercise blocked and destroyed an illegal armed formations training camp at a training ground in the Krasnodar territory

18.06.2021 (08:15)

In the Krasnodar Territory, at the Raevsky training ground, during the second stage of the active phase of the Russian-Belarusian-Serbian joint tactical exercise Slavic Brotherhood-2021, the military personnel of the combined unit blocked scattered bandit groups and destroyed the training camp for conditional illegal armed formations (IAF).

The main forces of the combined unit with decisive actions simultaneously from two directions destroyed the clusters and equipment of IAF from the standard weapons of the BMD-4M and BMD-2 assault vehicles, PKM and Pecheneg machine guns, RPG-7d grenade launchers, AK-74M and AK-12 assault rifles. The servicemen of the Special Operations Forces of the Republic of Belarus as part of a parachute company on BTR-80 made a detour and blocked the militant base, not allowing the remnants of the IAF to leave the blockage area. In total, about 350 armed bandits were at the ring.

During the tactical episode, the combined special forces unit of the Republic of Serbia carried out ambush operations on a section of a mountain road, blocking and destroying a column with weapons and ammunition.

Ahead of the military personnel from the three countries is the stage of combat shooting as part of a multinational tactical group, during which the complete destruction of all firing points, weapons and clusters of illegal armed groups will be practiced.

In total, about 100 military personnel from Serbia, more than 300 paratroopers from the Republic of Belarus on 60 units of regular military equipment, which arrived at the place of the exercise by rail, and more than 500 military personnel and more than 100 units of equipment of the Novorossiysk guards airborne assault mountain unit of the Airborne troops, are taking part in the joint exercise.

The first three-lateral joint tactical exercise of paratroopers Slavic brotherhood took place in 2015 at the Raevsky training ground in the Krasnodar territory.
