Provincia Autonoma di Trento

04/13/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/13/2022 01:35

The XVII EDITION OF THE FESTIVAL DELL’ECONOMIA DI TRENTO opens with the new format created by the 24 ORE Group

An all-embracing program, starting from the theme chosen for the 2022 edition - "The Pandemic aftermath (and with a war underway), AMIDST ORDER AND DISRUPTION" - will spark the debate among the brightest minds in the scientific world, key opinion leaders and distinguished experts from the most diverse disciplines to look at how the world has changed after the pandemic and thewar in Ukraine.

Alongside the official program, the new formula of the Festival dell'Economia di Trento also includes many other initiatives to broaden the variety and additional forms of discussion and in-depth analysis.

  • The "Made in Italy Challenge" hackaton, organized in association with Financial Times and Il Sole 24 Ore, involving young innovators under 35, who are called upon to come up with new business ideas to kickstart the Made in Italy brand.
  • The "Visioni di futuro" initiative, addressed to university and doctoral students, inviting young people to measure themselves against two of the hottest issues in the current debate: gender equality and energy transition
  • "L'Osservatorio Pnrr" withthe presentation at the Festival of the results of the Observatory launched by Il Sole 24 Ore in December 2021 to keep tabs on the progress of the six missions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and which will be featured in several meetings at the event.
  • The "Economie dei Territori" program, with a series of events managed by the relevant local Trentino realities.
  • The "Incontri con gli Autori" section, with book presentations in various locations across the city.
  • The wide-ranging schedule of the "Fuori Festival", an absolute novelty of this XVII edition, will include, among other things, a generous series of 'educational' and 'engagement' activities for children and students and entertainment for families and the broader target.

A dynamic and innovative agenda that makes up, together with the other initiatives, the framework of an overall Schedule with over 200 events in four days, to breathe life into a completely new event, with the aim of creating a more inclusive and embracing reception for all those targets keen on understanding the important changes taking place and the challenges for the future, and for all those who want to enjoy the great many artistic and cultural attractions offered by the city of Trento.

During the four-day event, the schedule will unfold through many moments throughout the day, featuring different editorial formats: each day will kick off at 9.30 AM with a succession of KEYNOTE SPEECHES, DIALOGUES andPANELS. These will be complemented by the FuoriFestival formats featuring TED&TALKS with lead players, established storytellers and young talents and creators, true stars of social platforms, as well as Educational moments for students from primary and secondary schools, educational WORKSHOPS for children and evening events with entertainment, SHOWS and CONCERTS.

The guests will explore, reflect and debate on the differentareas incorporated inthe theme of the 2022 edition. Among the main topics, DEMOGRAPHY to tackle the emergencies of an aging country, CIRCULAR ECONOMY and SUSTAINABILITY, SPACE ECONOMY, DIGITAL ECONOMY (including cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, industry 4.0, innovation policies), EUROPE and COMMUNITY POLICIES, GEOPOLITICS, the OBSERVATORY ON THE APPLICATION OF THE NRRP, GENDER EQUALITY, STABILITY PACT AND INFLATION, REAL ESTATE AND LOCAL AREA, ENERGY TRANSITION AND CLIMATE.

The Program's star-studded line-up includes 9 Nobel Laureates, including Oliver D. Hart, 2016 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his contribution to contract theory (awarded jointly with Finland's Bengt Holmström), Daniel McFadden, 2000 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, along with James Heckman, for his development of theory and methods for analyzing discrete choice, Edmund Phelps, 2006 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his analysis of the intertemporal tradeoffs in macroeconomic policy, and Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize for his work to create economic and social development from below.

And over 20 economists of international fame including Marina Brogi (La Sapienza University), Alberto Clò (Managing Editor Energia), Marta Dassù (The Aspen Institute), Maria Demertzis (Bruegel), Massimo Egidi (LUISS Guido Carli University), Jean Paul Fitoussi (Columbia University), Clemens Fuest (Ifo Institute and University of Munich), Marco Magnani (LUISS Guido Carli University), Donato Masciandaro (Bocconi University), Thomas Philippon (New York University, Stern School of Business), Dante Roscini (Harvard Business School), Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University, who will launch, together with entrepreneur Andrea Illy, the program of the Regenerative society foundation), Arrigo Sadun (Tlsg), Robert Skidelsky (Warwick University), Davide Tabarelli (Bocconi University, Nomisma Energia), Yannis Varoufakis (University of Athens), Paola Villa (University of Trento).

There are over 75 speakers from the academic worldrepresenting the most prestigious international universities and include, among others, Federico Arcelli (G Marconi University of Rome), Roberto Battiston (University of Trento), the Dean of the Faculty of Banking, Financial and Insurance Sciences at Università Cattolica Elena Beccalli, the Director of the Bologna Business School Massimo Bergami, the President of LUISS Guido Carli University Vincenzo Boccia, sociologist Arthur Brooks (Harvard Business School), Luigino Bruni (Lumsa University), political scientist Roberto D'Alimonte (LUISS Guido Carli University), Rita d'Ecclesia (La Sapienza University of Rome), Giorgio Di Giorgio (Luiss), Giovanni Dosi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa), philosopher Luciano Flòridi (Oxford University and University of Bologna), Natalino Irti (La Sapienza), Marcello Messori (LUISS Guido Carli University), Silvio Micali (Boston MIT), Lawrence Michel (Economy Policy institute), neuroscientist Kia Nobre (Oxford University), Professor of demography and statistics Alessandro Rosina (Catholic University of Milan), Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama's former Senior Advisor for Technology and Innovation Alec Ross (Bologna Business School), LUISS University Vice President Paola Severino,Giovanni Tria (Tor Vergata University of Rome), David Yermak (New York University), Stefano Zamagni (Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences).

The Institutional front sees a heavy presence of Government Ministers (10 already confirmed), as well as the European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni and representatives from the major Institutions and Trade Associations: ISTAT President Gian Carlo Blangiardo, ECB Supervisory Board Chair Andrea Enria, State-Regions Conference President Massimiliano Fedriga, FatherEnzo Fortunato, Franciscan and creator of the Assisi Manifesto, Autonomous Province of Trento President Maurizio Fugatti, Mons.Nunzio Galantino, President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See Vatican City, the President Emeritus of the Constitutional Court Franco Gallo, Mauro Gambetti, Vicar General of His Holiness for the Vatican City, the Undersecretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Roberto Garofoli, the Mayor of Trento Franco Ianeselli, the Director of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, Autonomous Province of Bolzano President Arno Kompatscher, Marcello Minnenna, the President and General Manager of ABI Antonio Patuelli and Giovanni Sabatini, the Deputy General Manager of the Bank of Italy Alessandra Perrazzelli, the Director of the Revenue Agency Ernesto Maria Ruffini, the Chair of Women20 Italia Linda Laura Sabbadini, the President of CONSOB Paolo Savona, the Honorary Governor of the Banque de France Jean Claude Trichet, the General Manager of CONNECT European Commission Roberto Viola.

Over 30 Top Managers and Entrepreneurs from some of the leading national and international companies will also grace the event with their presence, including Luigi Abete, LUISS Business School President, Ornella Barra, Chief Operating Officer, International, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Alessandro Benetton, Chairman Edizione, Diana Bracco, Chair and CEO Bracco, Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone, Chairman Gruppo Caltagirone, Gregorio De Felice, Chief Economist Intesa Sanpaolo, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman Intesa Sanpaolo, Emma Marcegaglia, Chair and CEO Marcegaglia Holding, Maurizio Marchesini, Chairman Marchesini Group S.p.A., Gianpiero Massolo, Chairman Fincantieri, Monica Poggio, CEO Bayer Italia, Francesco Profumo, President Fondazione Bruno Kessler and President Acri, Gianfelice Rocca, Chairman Gruppo Techint, Paolo Scaroni, Deputy Chairman Rothschild Group and Maurizio Stirpe (Prima S.p.A PSC SpA), Giovanni Tamburi, Chairman Tamburi Investment Partners, Marco Tronchetti Provera, Executive Vice Chairman and CEO Pirelli & C.

The keynote of the Inaugural Ceremony of the Festival, Thursday, June 2, will be delivered by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi,President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, while the closing speech on Sunday June 5 will be entrusted to Confindustria President Carlo Bonomi and GeneralJohn R. Allen, President of The Brookings Institution and former commander of NATO forces and US military forces in Afghanistan, for a reflection on our world following the Ukrainian crisis. The Festival will also be attended by the Tribe Leader of Arctic Canada Angaangaq Angakkorsuad Kalaallit Shaman, who will share his commitment to the topics of the environment and indigenous people.

A noteworthy mention also goes to the panel of Moderators, including, among others, journalists Lucia Annunziata, Giulio Anselmi, Barbara Carfagna, Ferruccio de Bortoli, Maria Latella and Paolo Mieli.

The late Beniamino Andreatta will be remembered with the meeting "Tra ordine e disordine l'Andreatta pensiero", attended by Giovanni Bazoli, Chairman Emeritus of Intesa Sanpaolo, Flavio Deflorian, Rector of the University of Trento, Alberto Forchielli, Founding Partner of Mindful Capital Partners, Professor Romano Prodi and economist Alberto Quadrio Curzio.

The events will also include a series of initiatives organized in association with the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento, GEI - Italian Association of Business Economists, ISPI, School of International Studies of the University of Trento, SIE - Italian Society of Economics and with the creators of the Assisi Manifesto.


As part of the new concept of the Festival dell'Economia di Trento signed by the 24 ORE Group and the Trentino System, a dedicated program of initiatives managed by the relevant local Trentino realities has also been developed:Foundations, Institutions, Research Institutes, Third Sector Organizations and Trade Associations, with the aim of exploring the dynamics of local development, research and innovation and models of transformation of socio-economic relations. An analysis that will unfurl through moments of reflection that will ideally involve all the realities operating in the area. The themes will focus on projects to support scientific research and social inclusion, with special attention to young people; on technological development and its many applications to the benefit of the economic and cultural growth of the local area; on new business models. The events are promoted, organized and managed by: Altroconsumo; Confindustria Trento; Cooperazione Trentina; Consiglio Provinciale Giovani della Provincia di Trento; Eusalp - European Strategy for the Alpine Region; Fondazione Caritro; Fondazione Franco Demarchi; Fondazione Bruno Kessler; Fondazione Edmund Mach; Giovani Imprenditori del Terziario della Provincia di Trento; Hub Innovazione Trentino; Lilt Trento; OECD; Trentino Sviluppo.

A world of books will light up the Festival days, in the Courtyard of Palazzo Thun, at the City Library and the Bookstore specially set up in the city centre, also as a space dedicated to children thanks to its open doors on the planet of fantasy. The economy will of course have generous space, as well as other major topics such as sustainability, gender equality, music, art, and education.

A schedule of meetings designed to inspire, empower new ideas, explore unexpected visions, educate and entertain in a smart way the audience of students, youngsters and families and, more generally, all those who have a penchant for different languages and approaches. The Fuori Festival Trento 2022 includes a series of events and activities that form a real schedule, parallel to the main program, with special content and entertainment. Educational islands, debates, idea competitions, moments of discussion on topics ranging from the metaverse to new languages of communication, new professions and business models that may materialize. Moments that will help light up the entire city of Trento with three main theme areas: Cultura del Creare, I Visionari, Parole d'Ordine.

One of the new features of the 24 ORE Group formula for the historic Festival dell'Economia di Trento is the idea of turning it into an all-year-round event, even outside the traditional days of early June and in locations other than the Trentino area. This is the premise for the launch of a project dedicated to the Italian Embassiesworldwide to import the Festival dell'Economia di Trento to different locations through international events; the program has already received the first entry from the Italian Embassy in Switzerland, which will contribute to the spin-off of the Festival to be held in Switzerland in November 2022.
Additionally, during the Festival, the 24 ORE Group and the Holy See will present the "SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS AWARD", which will be awarded during the course of the year.

The 24 ORE Group will harness all its information production wealth to chronicle the Festival days. The Sole 24 Ore and Radiocor journalists will ensure maximum coverage to the event through a strong presence on site, and will coordinate with the multimedia editorial staff, who will fuel the digital platforms and social channels.

From Piazza Cesare Battisti, Radio 24 will provide live broadcasts of the programs on the schedule, allowing the Trento audience to meet their favourite hosts and experience the thrills of live radio and the behind the scenes.

Alongside the presence of the 24 ORE Group media, the Festival dell'Economia di Trento boasts an impressive line-up of media partnerships. Sky Tg 24's presence in Trento is guaranteed with a studio that will broadcast live from Piazza Cesare Battisti, which will become a true open-air media centre, thanks also to the presence of Radio 24. Added to that two of the most prestigious international business publishers who have chosen to accompany the 4 day-event: Financial Times and

A double partnership that bears witness to the quality of the new format of the Festival, which brings together in the Trentino capital the elite of the economic, financial, academic, political and institutional world, confirming the trueinternational profile of the event.

The two newspapers will amplify the contents of the Trento Festival to their respective international audiences, and will participate, with their journalists, in the moderation of some of the scheduled meetings.

Complementing the scene, the media partnership of Rai Radio 1 and Rai Radio 3, who will broadcast live from Trento during the days of the event.


A noteworthy mention goes to the Partners who have chosen to support the 17° edition of the Festival, the first one branded 24 ORE Group:with more than 27 participating companies, and more on the way, this is indeed an all-time record in the history of the event.




The Festival dell'Economia di Trento 2022 draws also on the cooperation with the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency, the EC Representation in Italy, the EP Office in Italy and FONDAZIONE PIRELLI, as well as FONDAZIONE CARITRO, which has chosen to support the FuoriFestival and its initiatives aimed at the broader audience of families and youngsters.

Many thanks also go to Fondazione Museo del Violino Antonio Stradivari and Conservatorio "F.A. Bonporti" of Trento for the musical moments that will accompany the Festival days.

The Universities and Business Schools that take part in the Festival are: LTIS - Università Cattolica, Bologna Business School, Columbia University, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Lift Lab Bocconi, LUISS Business School, Boston MIT, New York University, NYU Stern, Oxford Economics, Oxford University, Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, Pontificia Accademia Scienze Sociali, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa, Université Aix-Marseilles, University of Athens, Università Bocconi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Università La Sapienza, Università LUISS Guido Carli,Università G Marconi di Roma, Università di Bologna, Libera Università di Bolzano, Università Chieti-Pescara, Università di Ferrara, Università di Genova, Università di Perugia, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università Statale di Milano, Università Roma Tre, Università di Roma Lumsa, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Università di Sassari, Università di Torino, Università di Trento,Università di Verona, Université La Sorbonne, University of California, University of Tennessee, Warwick University.


  • 10 Ministers
  • over 250 speakers
  • over 200 events