Largo SA

09/21/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2021 23:50

Largo’s CSR Commitment Rewarded by the Granting of the Lucie Label

Largo's CSR Commitment Rewarded by the Granting of the Lucie Label


21 Sep 2021 07:45 CEST

Company Name





Euronext Growth



Regulatory News:

Largo (FR0013308582 - ALLGO), an eco-responsible French player in the refurbishment of mobile devices, announces that it has received the Lucie 26000 label and has thus joined France's leading committed and responsible community. The granting of this label materialises Largo's commitment to a sustainable development approach that lies at the heart of its DNA and respects all its partners.

Largo's ambition: to involve all its employees in its CSR approach

Largo has committed itself to an approach aimed at structuring its social and environmental approaches with this Lucie label, which is aligned with the ISO 26000 international norm, a benchmark in France in terms of CSR. This approach is part of Largo's intention of involving all of the Company's employees so that CSR be at the very heart of its development. Collaborative work was thus undertaken with 31% of its staff members, covering all professions from repairs to logistics, including sourcing and marketing, to define the company's commitments regarding the seven following topics:

  • The organisation's governance
  • Human rights
  • Labour relations and working conditions
  • The environment
  • Good business practices
  • Consumer-related issues
  • Communities and local development.

"It was important for us, members of staff, to be able to be involved in this certification approach. We were hence able to define together what Largo's commitments should be in terms of CSR. Knowing that our job has real meaning and that we can have a positive impact on our environment is also a driving force helping us move forward", says Léo from Largo's repair department.

An external audit was carried out by the RSEVAL certification body and then an independent labelling committee granted Largo the Lucie label, following an examination of the report and the commitments made by the Company to further improve over the next three years.

A CSR approach at the heart of Largo's DNA

Largo is constantly improving its organisation, its offer and its services to support its CSR policy, its partners' CSR policies and citizens' purchasing practices, and hence fully contribute to the circular economy. Its approach is consistent with governmental policies regarding the ecological transition towards a carbon-free economy, for example a net reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels1.

"To support Largo's growth and guide our strategy, in 2020 we decided that one of our priorities should be to obtain external recognition of our CSR approach. Obtaining the Lucie 26000 label rewards our initial commitments and allows us to structure our roadmap with the intention of continually improving our CSR policy", explains Christophe Brunot, Co-founder of Largo.

As a reminder, Largo's CSR policy comprises three main focusses:

  • Well-being at work and the development of employees' skills;
  • An industrial approach to refurbishment that offers consumers an experience similar to new devices whilst extending Smartphones' lives, thus reducing the use of minerals required to manufacture them;
  • The transparency of its practices and support for the implementation of regulations governing the sector.

Largo's commitments

Largo has also made commitments in terms of its development, notably:

- replacing packaging with eco-designed and biodegradable packaging;
- implementing partnerships with environmental and social associations;
- participating in the drafting of a method for assessing the emissions avoided thanks to refurbishment so that the entire sector can access the Low Carbon label.

About LARGO:

Created in 2016, Largo is a group fundamentally involved in the circular economy. With close to 40 staff based in Nantes, Western France, Largo refurbishes Smartphones, tablets and laptops. Positioned along the entire value chain, from sourcing to refurbishment and distribution, Largo wants to become a benchmark player in the field of responsible refurbishment. A pioneer in terms of transparency, in 2018 Largo invested in a sophisticated production tool enabling it to optimise its processes and the quality of its products.

Entirely internalised in France, the refurbishment site offers full control of each key stage: reception, testing, reparation, quality control and after-sales service. Since the Company's creation, Largo has already refurbished more than 140,000 Smartphones, and generated revenue of almost €10.3 million in 2020.

For further information, please go to

About Agence LUCIE:

Created in 2007, the LUCIE 26000 label rewards an organisation's commitment with respect to social responsibility in keeping with the guidelines of the ISO 26000 norm. Agence LUCIE also develops various solutions to enable all organisations to become more committed and responsible via thematic labels such as ENVOL, Responsible Digital and Biodiversity Progress. Today, the LUCIE community comprises some 800 entities that share the same values and the same desire to make this world fairer and more respectful of people and regions. Our mission is to give organisations the means to become players with a positive impact.

Agreement announced by the European Commission on Wednesday 21 April, 2021

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