City of Portland, OR

07/25/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/25/2022 10:17

Early garbage pickup during heat wave

News Article
Waste collection may start earlier than usual for the safety of collection drivers. Residential customers should set garbage, recycling, and compost bins out at the curb the night before.
July 20, 2022 10:34 am
July 25, 2022 9:00 am
In this article

Don't miss a pickup: Set bins out the night before

To protect the health and safety of waste collection drivers, collection may start as early as 5 a.m. Tuesday, July 26 through Friday, July 29, 2022.

Residential customers should set out garbage, recycling, and compost bins the night before collection day to avoid missing a pickup.

If your pickup is missed, please contact your garbage and recycling company directly. For other questions related to garbage and recycling, contact our Curbside Hotline.

Find additional heat-related information and resources from the City of Portland and Public Alerts.

Recolección temprana de basura

Clientes residenciales: coloque contenedores de basura, reciclaje y abono en la acera la noche antes de su día de recolección. La recolección comenzará temprano para proteger a los conductores durante el período de calor extremo.

Заблаговременное размещение мусора

К сведению жильцов: пожалуйста, размещайте баки с мусором, утилем и компостом на обочине вечером перед началом их утреннего сбора; сбор начинается рано утром, чтобы водители не подвергались перегреву.

Gom rác sớm

Khách hàng tư gia: Vui lòng đặt các thùng rác, thùng tái chế và thùng ủ vi sinh ở lề đường vào đêm trước ngày thu gom của quý vị. Việc thu gom sẽ sớm được bắt đầu để bảo vệ những người lái xe trong thời gian nắng nóng khắc nghiệt.

