City of Eagle Point, OR

06/28/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/28/2022 13:29

Notice of Public Hearing: EPHS FFA Arena

City of Eagle Point

Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Eagle Point Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 17 South Buchanan Avenue to consider an application to locate an agricultural arena and classroom building with associated parking on a vacant 2-acre portion of the Eagle Point High School campus. The proposed facility will allow classroom and field training in animal health and care as well as other agronomic training.

Project Name: EPHS FFA Arena

Planning Action File Number: PA #22-08:SPR

Requested Approvals: Site Plan & Landscape Approval, Conditional Use Permit Applicant/Owner: Dan Horton, Horton Architecture

Eagle Point Municipal Code (EPMC) Chapters 17.60 and 17.84 establish the decision-making processes for Site Plan & Landscape Approvals and Conditional Use Permits. These require a Type A quasi-judicial, discretionary decision by the Planning Commission.

This hearing provides an opportunity for testimony and questions to be answered. Testimony and written comment must be directed to the approval criteria applicable to the proposal. Relevant criteria is contained in the following chapters of the EPMC: 17.60 (Site Plan and Landscape Approval); 17.84 (Conditional Use Permit); and 17.96 (Notice & Hearing Procedures). In addition, the proposal must be found to be consistent with the relevant elements of the Comprehensive Plan.

Although public comments may be provided at any time up to and during a hearing, it is preferred that they be submitted in writing to Mike Upston, Community Development Director, at [email protected] early in the review process so that meaningful and appropriate project modifications may be made if possible.

Pursuant to ORS 197.797, failure to raise an issue during this hearing, in person or in writing, or failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker and the parties an opportunity to respond to the issue will preclude the ability to appeal based on that issue.

The application and applicable criteria may be viewed now, and staff findings and recommendations will be available for review seven days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing at

Notice to mortgagee, lienholder, vendor or seller: ORS Chapter 215 requires that if you receive this notice it must be promptly forwarded to the purchaser.

NOTICE DATE: June 27, 2022

Bulletin Board at City Hall - June 27, 2022

City Website - June 27, 2022

URI Newspaper - Expected Sept 7, 2022

Mailed to property owners within 100 ft of the project site and inside the Eagle Point Urban Growth Boundary



If a physical accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Recorder at

541-826-4212 ext. 106 or TTY/TDD 711 or 800-735-2900. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will assist the City in providing reasonable accommodations. (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II).

Click HERE for the official notice.