Eni S.p.A.

09/23/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2021 05:36

Eni’s first Energy Compact recognized by UN-Energy and Sustainable Energy for All

San Donato Milanese (Milan), 23 September 2020 - Eni has launched its first ever Energy Compact - a public commitment recognized by the United Nations - to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal n. 7 - Affordable and clean energy - and the Paris Agreement's objectives.

Under its Energy Compact, Eni pledges to play a leadership role on climate targets at a global level, in line with the company's strategic commitment to become an integrated zero carbon energy company by 2050. In particular, by 2030 the company has pledged to increase installed renewable capacity to more than 15GW, decrease Net GHG Lifecycle Emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3) by 25%, decrease Net Carbon Intensity (Scope 1, 2, 3) by 15% and reach Net Zero carbon footprint (Scope 1, 2) from the Upstream hydrocarbons production portfolio.

"Through the Energy Compact, Eni concretely shows the actions it aims to pursue in this decade to tackle the most urgent challenge for the energy sector: ensuring access to energy to all, while also accelerating energy transition to fight climate change. SDG 7 is pivotal to all the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Paris Agreement' objectives, and the Energy Compact is a concrete tool to foster collective action toward this common goal" , said Claudio Descalzi, Eni's Chief Executive Officer.

Energy Compacts consist in voluntary commitments, namely specific actions taken by companies, governments, and other stakeholders to achieve energy transition goals by 2030 - including universal access to affordable and clean energy. The Energy Compacts mobilized by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) together with UN-Energy members will be presented on Friday 24 September at the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy - the first inclusive global gathering on energy under the auspices of the General Assembly since 1981 - and during the Pre-Summit Energy Action Days on 22-23 September. The Compacts will continue to be mobilized and updated throughout the current Decade of Action; progress on the Compact will be monitored on an annual basis, with results being published on an online platform, to ensure consistency on actions and a solid track record.

In view of the High Level Dialogue on Energy Eni has participated to Working Group 3: Enabling SDGs through Inclusive, Just Energy Transitions - that brought together key stakeholders to mobilize actions as a major milestone on the road to the High-level Dialogue on Energy.The working group's Thematic Report will form the backbone of a global roadmap for achieving SDG 7 by 2030.

Eni has committed to becoming an integrated zero carbon energy company by 2050, reaching carbon neutrality for both its products and operations.