Aker Solutions ASA

05/18/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/18/2022 02:10

Climate Action Plan: Creating a Roadmap for the Energy Transition

The Paris Agreement and climate science have set the direction and highlighted that collectively we need to speed up our efforts and work together to find energy solutions that will stabilize our climate.

Aker Solutions' Climate Action Plan follows the Science Based Targets Initiative's guidance and criteria and it is our roadmap to transform our business to be even less carbon intensive, and help solve global energy challenges for future generations.

What Role Can We Play?

The energy transition is a massive undertaking that will require working across industries and working in partnerships to succeed. We need to provide the affordable, stable energy people and society need today, and we need to work together to build new energy systems.

At Aker Solutions, we will work closely with our customers and partners and leverage our core capabilities to grow in renewables and low-carbon markets including offshore wind, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), and hydrogen.

We aim to use energy more efficiently, minimize waste and spills, and protect biodiversity. We are also committed to engaging with our supply chain to reduce emissions, establish enhanced environmental and social governance, and boost the power of data.

Our Climate Action Plan

To achieve our ambitions, we will focus on the following:

1. Reducing our own scope 1 and 2 emissions

We will eliminate scope 1 hotspots and lower our scope 2 through renewable energy consumption

2. Uniting the supply chain to reduce scope 3 emissions

Together with our suppliers we will standardize emissions frameworks, digital tools and reporting.

3. Strengthening our low-carbon solutions portfolio

4. Integrating our data systems to power climate action

We believe it is only through building and sustaining a climate action culture, based on tangible results, that we can achieve strategic climate outcomes, catalyze new opportunities and accelerate the energy transition.

This Is How We #PowerTheChange

The work is already well underway.

By 2025, we will have expanded our transitional solutions for oil and gas production and our renewable energy portfolio to account for 1/3 of our revenues.

By 2030, more than 2/3 of our revenues will come from these solutions, our own emissions will have been cut in half, and our electricity consumption will be based on 100% renewable energy.

See the roadmap to our 2030 goals below.

We Are Ready to Pilot Change

Aker Solutions is currently working on several notable renewable and energy transition related projects including in areas such as offshore floating and bottom-fixed wind, electrification, carbon capture and storage, and hydrogen. Several of the projects we are involved in are world firsts.

In Brevik, Norway, we are working with Aker Carbon Capture on capturing CO2 from the Heidelberg Cement Norcem plant, which will be shipped to the Northern Lights CO2 storage facility in the North Sea. Cement is the most used building product in the world and will continue to be - hence the urgent need to tackle emissions.

For Equinor's Hywind Tampen, we have just finished the construction of the floating concrete foundations for the 11 wind turbines. This will be the world's largest floating offshore wind farm and the first to power offshore oil and gas platforms.

Our plan to reduce our own emissions over the next eight years includes more than just achieving 100 percent of our energy use from renewable sources. We are also improving our heating systems to utilize biogenic and electric sources to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, electrifying our mobile vehicles across our sites, and certifying the enterprise to ISO 50001.

Strategic investment is required to be successful in the transition and to achieve our Climate Action Plan goals. We have established a dedicated delivery team and are committing significant sums to achieving goals in the immediate and long term. Success will be measured in emissions reductions and increased business opportunities.

Tackling Global Energy Challenges

We believe our Climate Action Plan represents a solid combination of aspiration and action.

It outlines ambitious goals and targets. But it also documents concrete, identifiable steps and milestones required to overcome technical barriers, to develop energy solutions and to drive the energy transition - while simultaneously contributing to energy security. We will do our part to deliver solutions industries need and to translate the imperatives of policy and society into the capabilities and capacities necessary to facilitate the energy transition.

The years ahead are decisive, and we will continue to work closely with our customers and partners to deliver solutions that will help solve global energy challenges for future generations.

Our Roadmap to 2030


  • ESG requirements in supplier contracts
  • Engagement plan with top 20 suppliers initiated
  • Complete low-carbon offerings menu published
  • LCA pilots completed and dashboard developed


  • Emissions requirements included in top 20 supplier frame agreements
  • Energy reduction plans in place for each business segment
  • Science-based target set for all GHG scopes
  • ISO 50001 certified


  • Digital tools for scope 3 supply chain data
  • Full integration of JustEco
  • LCA dashboards synced with projects


  • 1/3 revenue from renewable and transition solutions
  • Scope 1 reduced by 55%
  • 80% renewable energy consumption
  • Enterprise digital twin


  • Scope 1 residual emissions removal mapped


  • ESG-optimized supply chain for frequently used suppliers


  • 2/3s revenue from renewables and transition solutions
    50% CO2 emissions reduction
    100% renewable energy consumption
    100% footprint calculated (SBTi)