Digital Turbine Inc.

10/11/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/12/2021 14:50

A New Kind of DSP: A Better Ad Experience for Consumers… and Everyone. Part 2 of 3

Mobile Marketing

Imagine that you're killing it during a session with your favorite mobile game. You crush level 14 and eagerly await taking on your next challenge. While you wait, a brief ad appears that looks interesting. But you've got your game face on and you don't want to lose focus by leaving the game, going to the app store clicking and waiting for the new app to install. So what do you do - click or not click? In most cases, you decide to forget about the ad and prepare yourself for what awaits in level 15.

That's the choice consumers need to make during today's ad experience - which isn't a winning scenario for anyone. The consumer forgets about the ad, the publisher doesn't get a click, and the advertisers doesn't get a new user. But what if there was a better way? Where the user can tap the ad, install the app, and still be able to go seamlessly to level 15. This win/win/win experience is what SingleTap brings to mobile ads - and why it's poised to revolutionize the experience for consumers, publishers, and advertisers alike.

SingleTap has been proven to help advertisers supercharge their user growth, with the results being driven from a consumer-friendly ad format that simplifies the ad install process and keeps the user in control.

Want to know more? Here's a handy FAQ on how SingleTap improves the overall ad experience:

What's wrong with the current ad experience?

Simply put: Friction. Since the app stores first arrived 13 years ago, we've seen an exponential rocketing in the number of apps and, consequently, the number of ads. This creates a cluttered mobile environment where users have become increasingly loath to be interrupted from. The whole process of engaging in an ad, being taken to a store, and downloading the app not only has too many hops - it REMOVES the user from an activity they were already enjoying. That's not optimal.

So how does SingleTap change that?

By creating a "store-less" or "check-out free" experience (think of it as advertising's answer to Amazon's 1-Click checkout). Instead of taking the user away from the web site, app, or game they are enjoying to be redirected to a Store, SingleTap ads allow apps that are in the Store to be installed by users in a single tap, with the install taking place in the background. That allows users to continue with whatever experience they were enjoying before deciding to install a new app, and users can engage in the new app when they are ready (they can be notified when the download completes).

But how will you know that it's safe?

The only difference between a SingleTap ad and using the Play Store is delivery. Only apps which are approved and verified by Google Play Protect - Google's process of verification are eligible for SingleTap Installs. And any app that we include has to go through additional layers of verification as well, doubly ensuring it's safe and secure for the user.

In addition, the SingleTap experience is enabled by our partnerships with leading Global wireless carriers and handset OEMs who install our On-Device software platform on devices and trust us to manage and dynamically load apps on their devices at time of device setup. It is rigorously developed and tested to maintain a safe and secure experience.

How can you get a SingleTap experience?

Only phones with our On-Device software platform provide you with a SingleTap app install experience. In partnership with our Carrier and handset OEM partners, we're working to bring SingleTap app install experience to more than half a billion devices worldwide, and growing each day.

So will all ads have the SingleTap experience?

No. Only sites and apps that are using Digital Turbine's SingleTap DSP (Appreciate) are eligible for SingleTap app install experiences. Our DSP (Appreciate) works with thousands of application developers and publishers, and only app install campaigns through our DSP are eligible for the SingleTap 1-click install functionality.

What if you like going to the Store?

No problem. This is your choice. You can choose to simply ignore SingleTap ads or disable our On-Device software in your settings. Depending on the Wireless Carrier and Handset OEM partner an additional cancel button is available to users after they have initiated the app install.