Government of the Republic of Montenegro

08/03/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/04/2022 05:47

The 15th Cabinet session – 3 August 2022

Published on: Aug 3, 2022 5:00 PM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

The Montenegrin Cabinet, at the 15th session held today, chaired by Prime Minister Dritan Abazović, adopted the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Roads.

The DraftLaw on Amendments to the Law on Efficient Use of Energy has been adopted. Amendments to the Law were made in order to improve the existing legal solution primarily in the area of harmonisation with the EU legal framework, with the aim of introducing the National Energy and Climate Plan, as a key planning document in the field of energy efficiency and improving the legal basis for the application of existing and the adoption of future by-laws.

With the aim of improving the dynamics and quality of reforms within the EU accession process, the Cabinet adopted the Decision on establishing a structure for negotiations on the accession of Montenegro to the European Union, as well as amending the decisions on the formation of working groups for chapters 23 - Judiciary and fundamental rights and 24 - Justice, freedom and security.

The new structure will consist of the College for Negotiations, the Rule of Law Council, the Negotiation Team, negotiation working groups and the Ministry of European Affairs. Those bodies will be responsible for leading the negotiation process at the political, professional and technical level, respecting the EU acquis, as well as the revised EU methodology that groups related chapters into so-called "clusters".

The Cabinet adopted the Decision on the formation of the Open Government PartnershipOperational Team. The role of the Operational Team is to encourage dialogue on open government policies, with an emphasis on the development, implementation, implementation monitoring and evaluation of national action plans for the implementation of this global initiative. The Operational Team consists of a coordinator (Minister of Public Administration), a deputy coordinator and 21 members, among whom are nine representatives of non-governmental organisations whose areas of activity are: anti-corruption, public participation in the creation of public policies, digital management, gender policy, inclusion of vulnerable social group, transparency of public policies, environmental protection and youth policy.

The Decision on Amendments to the Statute of the Agency for Protection of Competition has been adopted.

The Cabinet adopted the Action Planfor the implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians 2021-2025, for the period 2022-2023 and the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for 2021. The strategic goal is to improve the socio-economic and legal status of Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro, by improving an inclusive and open society based on the promotion of equality, fighting and eliminating all forms of discrimination, anti-Gypsyism and poverty.

The Cabinet adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for Improving the Quality of Life of LGBTI Persons in Montenegro for the period 2019-2023, for 2022 and the Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for 2021. This document is aimed at defining measures and activities for the protection of the human rights of LGBTI persons, with the aim of eliminating any direct and indirect discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity, reducing homophobia and transphobia in Montenegrin society, and constantly improving social acceptance of LGBTI persons and improving all conditions and quality of their life in Montenegro. Among other things, it is planned to start preparation of the Law on Legal Gender Recognition Based on Self-Determination, which is an integral part of the Strategy. The adoption of the Law is scheduled for 2023.

The Information on the implementation of the Project "Construction of a Prison for the Northern Region of Montenegro in Mojkovac"has been adopted. The main goal of the project is the construction of the Mojkovac Prison Facility, in accordance with international standards, with the aim of improving the conditions for the execution of prison sentences and long-term imprisonment in Montenegro. The estimated value of the works is 23,334,000 euros.

The Cabinet adopted the Information on confirmation of financial support for the implementation of public calls within the IPARD II programme 2014-2020 through the creation of a special guarantee fund or some other guarantee instrument.

The Cabinet adopted the Information on the request of the Atlantic Council of Montenegro for the continuation of the partnership and financial and logistical assistance in the implementation of the projects that the Atlantic Council will organise during 2022/2023 andaccepted the text of the Memorandum. Bearing in mind the numerous initiatives that the Atlantic Council of Montenegro plans to organise during 2022 and 2023, the Government will provide financial support in the amount of 120,000 euros.

The Request for approval to fill seven positions in the Directorate for Payments/IPARD Agency - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, which are not provided for in the Personnel Plan of the state administration bodies and services of the Government of Montenegro has been accepted. The Ministry's plan is for the Directorate for Payments to take over the implementation of all national payments in agriculture and grow into a Payments Agency in accordance with the EU accession goals.

The Cabinet adopted the Information on the implementation of the project "Wastewater treatment in the municipality of Ulcinj - construction of a wastewater treatment plant and relevant infrastructure" and accepted the text of the Donation Agreement. The Donation Agreement, worth 974,780 euros, will be signed by the German Development Bank and Montenegro, represented by the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism and Vodacom Ltd Tivat.

The Cabinet adopted the Basis for conducting negotiations and concluding a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation on the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects between the Government of Montenegro and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and accepted the text of the Memorandum.

The Analysis of the work of the Council for the control of the electoral rollhas been adopted.
