ASE Technology Holding Co. Ltd.

11/17/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/17/2021 02:04

Announcement on behalf of subsidiary, ASE, Inc., of extending intercompany loans from its 6 subsidiaries, including ASE (Korea) Inc.

Today's Information

Provided by: ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd.
SEQ_NO 1 Date of announcement 2021/11/17 Time of announcement 15:52:01
 Announcement on behalf of subsidiary, ASE, Inc.,
of extending intercompany loans from its 6 subsidiaries,
including ASE (Korea) Inc.
Date of events 2021/11/17 To which item it meets paragraph 23
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2021/11/17
2.Funding recipient name, relationship with lender, lending limit
(thousand NTD), starting outstanding balance (thousand NTD), new loan
(thousand NTD), is it part of a scheduled allocation or revolving limit for
the same recipient that the chairman is authorized by the board of directors
to allocate, outstanding balance (thousand NTD) up to the date of
occurrence, reason for new loan (thousand NTD):
Funding recipient name: Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.
Relationship with lender: The parent company
Lending limit (thousand NTD): NT$58,228,714 thousand
Starting outstanding balance (thousand NTD): NT$6,578,343 thousand
New loan (thousand NTD): NT$6,120,400 thousand
Is it part of a scheduled allocation or revolving limit for the same
recipient that the chairman is authorized by the board of directors
to allocate: Yes
Outstanding balance (thousand NTD) up to the date of occurrence:
NT$12,698,743 thousand
Reason for new loan (thousand NTD): Operation needs

3.For collaterals provided by the loan recipient, the content and the value
(thousand NTD):None

4.For the latest financial reports of the loan recipient, the capital
(thousand NTD) and the cumulative gains/losses(thousand NTD):
Capital (thousand NTD):NT$59,941,438 thousand;
the cumulative gains/losses(thousand NTD):NT$54,069,271 thousand.

5.Method of calculation of interest:
By floating rate;
USD: Mark up 0.4%~2% to the one-, three- or six-month LIBOR as updated
and displayed at or around 11:00 a.m. London time by two business days
before borrowing/the end of the month before interest effective day or
the lender's cost of fund;

JPY: Mark up 0.4% to one-, three-, six- or twelve-month TIBOR as update
and displayed at or around 11:00 a.m. Tokyo time by two business days
before borrowing/the end of the month before interest effective day;
Monthly interest-bearing.

6.For repayment, the condition and the date:
Repayment condition: Bullet payment on maturity date or early repayment
Repayment date: One to three years from actual disbursement date

7.The amount of monetary loans extended to others as of the date of
occurrence (thousand NTD):
NT$49,198,334 thousand

8.The total amount of monetary loans extended to others as a percentage of
the public company��s net worth on the latest financial statements as of the
date of occurrence:

9.Sources of funds for the company to extend monetary loans to others:
Subsidiary, banking institutions and other companies

10.Any other matters that need to be specified:
The details of intercompany loan between Advanced Semiconductor Engineering,
Inc. (��ASE Inc.��) and subsidiaries of the Company in this announcement are
as follows:
(1) The intercompany loan between ASE Test Limited and ASE Inc. is
NTD 1.510083 billion.
(2) The intercompany loan between ASE (Korea) Inc. and ASE Inc. is
NTD 8.20615 billion.
(3) The intercompany loan between ISE Labs, Inc. and ASE Inc. is
NTD 0.8343 billion.
(4) The intercompany loan between ASE Japan Co., Ltd. and ASE Inc. is
NTD 0.56304 billion.
(5) The intercompany loan between ASE Singapore Pte. Ltd. and ASE Inc. is
NTD 1.3905 billion.
(6) The intercompany loan between ASE (US) Inc. and ASE Inc. is
NTD 0.19467 billion.
The total intercompany loan from the six companies to ASE Inc. is
NTD 12.698743 billion.