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04/29/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/29/2022 04:43

Settlement Price and Net Cash Settlement of 18 Derivative warrants issued by TNS

29 Apr 2022 17:20:27
Settlement Price and Net Cash Settlement of 18 Derivative warrants issued by TNS
Full Detailed News
                Settlement Price and Net Cash Settlement

Subject                                  : Settlement Price and Net Cash 
Data as of                               : 29-Apr-2022
Maturity date                            : 06-May-2022
Expense of exercise (Baht)               : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : AOT16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.26316
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 66.75
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 86.00
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : BAM16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.60487
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 19.20
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 28.203
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : BANP16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.55277
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 12.30
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 15.744
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : BBL16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.11708
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 130.50
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 154.626
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : BEC16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.45783
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 15.50
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 19.382
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : CBG16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.10299
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 109.50
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 168.426
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : CPAL16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.25878
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 65.00
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 75.304
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : CRC16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.19231
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 39.50
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 46.00
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : HANA16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.18924
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 45.00
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 133.091
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : KBAN16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.07485
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 153.00
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 169.941
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : KCE16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.16933
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 61.50
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 132.882
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : MINT16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.18519
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 35.00
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 40.00
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : MTC16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.22909
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 46.25
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 84.324
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : SAWA16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.21739
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 53.75
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 91.00
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : SCC16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.04667
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 370.00
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 467.467
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : STEC16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.51990
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 13.00
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 19.921
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : TU16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 0.60061
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 16.90
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 27.507
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

DW Symbol                                : WHA16C2204A
Conversion ratio per unit                : 2.38095
Underlying asset price (Baht)            : 3.36
Exercise price (Baht)                    : 5.10
Net cash settlement amount (Baht)        : 0.00

Remark                                   :
1. Net Cash Settlement Amount = Cash Settlement Amount - Exercise Expense 
Charged by Issuer By;
In case of Call Warrant and Underlying Asset is Stock :
Cash Settlement Amount = (Settlement Price - Exercise Price) X Exercise Ratio
In case of Put Warrant and Underlying Asset is Stock :
Cash Settlement Amount = (Exercise Price - Settlement Price) X Exercise Ratio
In case of Call Warrant and Underlying Asset is Index :
Cash Settlement Amount = (Settlement Price - Exercise Price) X Multiplier
In case of Put Warrant and Underlying Asset is Index :
Cash Settlement Amount = (Exercise Price - Settlement Price) X Multiplier
In case of Call Warrant and Underlying Asset is Foreign Stock :
Cash Settlement Amount = (Settlement Price - Exercise Price) X Exercise Ratio X 
Exchange rate
In case of Put Warrant and Underlying Asset is Foreign Stock :
Cash Settlement Amount = (Exercise Price - Settlement Price) X Exercise Ratio X 
Exchange rate
In case of Call Warrant and Underlying Asset is Foreign Index :
Cash Settlement Amount = (Settlement Price - Exercise Price) X Multiplier X 
Exchange rate
In case of Put Warrant and Underlying Asset is Foreign Index :
Cash Settlement Amount = (Exercise Price - Settlement Price) X Multiplier X 
Exchange rate
2. Any Derivative Warrant (DW) will automatically be exercised if the Net Cash 
Settlement Amount on the Automatic Exercise Date is greater than zero (without
notice being given to the Holders). The Issuer will pay to the Holders the Net
Cash Settlement Amount (if any) with procedure defined in Terms and Condition.
3. The Holders can deny the exercise of DW by informing their broker in 
accordance with procedures stipulated by their broker.

Authorized Persons to Disclose           : Mr.Adisak  Phupiphathirungul
Position                                 : First Vice President
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