Bonneville Power Administration

07/12/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/12/2021 13:14

BPA ranks in top quartile for best places to work in government

For the third year in a row, BPA scored in the top quartile of the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankingsproduced by the Partnership for Public Service. The agency received an engagement score of 80.5, placing BPA 75th out of 411 subcomponents.

The engagement score determines the overall rankings for 482 federal agencies, separated by size, and their subcomponents: 17 large agencies, 29 midsize agencies and 25 small agencies. The fourth list, agency subcomponents, encompasses bureaus, offices, centers and divisions such as BPA that fall under parent agencies. Accounting for 411 of 482 participating entities, agency subcomponents make up the largest list.

The Partnership for Public Service bases engagement scores on the percentage of positive responses to three questions from the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management:

  • I recommend my organization as a good place to work. (Q17)
  • Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? (Q36)
  • Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization? (Q38)
The Partnership for Public Service recommends not comparing the most recent scores to prior years' results due to changes in how the nonprofit calculates the engagement scores. Find all 2020 rankings on