
National Marine Fisheries Service

10/27/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/27/2021 20:50

NOAA Fisheries Offers Paperless Ways to Receive Information about Fishing Regulations and Management Actions


  • This is an annual reminder that NOAA Fisheries offers you three ways to receive your fishery bulletins. These bulletins contain fishing regulation information and are typically referred to as "the blue sheets."
  • You may receive a copy of the bulletins in three ways:
    • Electronic/E-mail
    • Mail
    • Text Message Notifications


​​​​​​​Note: If you already receive electronic fishery bulletins via email, your subscription will not be affected and you do NOT need to sign up again now.

  • Mail:
    • In an effort to better serve you, we want to update our records so the Southeast Fishery Bulletins you receive are of interest to you.
    • Please use the form below to let us know which region-specific bulletins you would like to receive.
    • Send your response to the following address:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Southeast Regional Office, Sustainable Fisheries Division
263 13th Avenue South
Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

​​​​​​​Note: If you already receive fishery bulletins in the mail, you still need to complete the attached form and send it back to NOAA Fisheries before December 31, 2021. If you do not send to the address above, you will not receive any bulletins in the mail after December 31, 2021.

  • Text Message Notifications:
    • NOAA's Text Message Alert Program allows you to receive important fishery related alerts via text message (SMS).
    • Text alerts you receive may include, but are not limited to:
      • Immediate fishery openings and closures
      • Any significant changes to fishing regulations that happen quickly
    • Sign up for one or more of the following groups:
      • Gulf of Mexico Recreational Fisheries Related Alerts
        • Text GULFRECFISH to 888777
      • Gulf of Mexico Commercial Fisheries Related Alerts
        • Text GULFCOMMFISH to 888777
      • South Atlantic Recreational Fisheries Related Alerts
        • Text SATLRECFISH to 888777
      • South Atlantic Commercial Fisheries Related Alerts
        • Text SATLCOMMFISH to 888777
      • Caribbean Fisheries Related Alerts
        • Text CARIBFISH to 888777
  • Join us every other Friday on NOAA Fish Instagramfor Rec Fish Friday!
  • This change will be EFFECTIVE January 1, 2022.


Please check all that apply:

_____ Gulf of Mexico

_____ South Atlantic

_____ Caribbean

_____ IFQ (Individual Fishing Quota) Program

_____ SEFHIER (Southeast For-Hire Electronic Reporting) - South Atlantic

_____ SEFHIER (Southeast For-Hire Electronic Reporting) - Gulf of Mexico

_____ All of the Above



Name: ________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________



Phone Number: _________________________________________________