City of Tyler, TX

06/08/2022 | Press release | Archived content

City approves historic Mayfair concert hall rehabilitation

As part of Phase 1 of the Rose Complexcontract with WRL Construction, awarded on April 28, 2021, Tyler's historic Mayfair concert hall was included for rehabilitation. A general allowance was set aside to be utilized for the rehab.

However, those allowances were based on 2014 cost estimates. In order to fully determine an accurate and current cost to rehabilitate the hall, a recent survey of the facility was done, as well as selective demolition to determine the condition of the structure. This allowed for a more detailed and accurate set of construction drawings to be completed. The survey found that the structure has continued to deteriorate due to a lack of investment and that it would be more cost-efficient to restore than to rebuild.

During the June 8 meeting, Tyler City Council approved a change order in the amount of $1,520,586 to complete rehabilitation and restore the Mayfair to its historic grandeur. The additional amount will be funded by the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund, which has seen a great recovery in recent months. There are also many grant and donor opportunities available.

"Saving this structure preserves the history that is unique to the Rose Complex and unique to not only the City of Tyler but the East Texas region," said Deputy City Manager Stephanie Franklin. "This facility provides a unique and different experience for visitors. Throughout the planning process for the Rose Complex Master Plan, the community maintained the need to keep the Mayfair. This structure is an integral part of the history, culture and heritage of the Rose Complex."

The project would start after the East Texas State Fair ends in mid-October with a completion date of summer 2023. The newly restored hall would seat 500 people lecture style or 280 with tables and chairs. The hall will also be used as a breakout room for the Rose Complex conference center.

The armory and food truck park are not included in this project but will be in future phases.


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