Central Lincoln Peoples Utility District

12/15/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/15/2021 12:59

7 Million Kilowatt Hours Saved — and Counting!

We were able to assist the new Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building at OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport in the installation of building systems with our incentive funds for energy savings. The building has an exterior ramp and rooftop evacuation area in the event of a tsunami warning. © OSU

All of the power we provide to our customers comes from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a federal power marketing agency headquartered in Portland. Of the funds paid to the BPA for that electricity, more than $2 million was returned to Central Lincoln in 2019-2021 to help our customers save energy through energy-efficiency programs.

The BPA has strict rules for the use of that $2 million-what projects qualify, what documentation will be required, and more.

Central Lincoln's Energy Services Manager Wade Carey oversees every dollar. "It is important to Central Lincoln and the BPA that incentives paid go for verifiable savings," he says. "Through years of data collection and research, BPA knows with a great deal of certainty, how much energy each efficiency measure will save. Central Lincoln works very hard to develop and offer the programs that lead to savings for our customers."

We offer rebates for qualified projects for residential customers, including ductless heat pumps, energy-efficient doors, windows, clothes washers and dryers, and for heat pump water heaters, home insulation, LED light fixtures, new Energy Star® manufactured homes, and a wide variety of projects for business and industrial customers.

Which rebates were used most frequently? Here's a breakdown:

  • 37% Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning
  • 18% Commercial/Industrial Custom Projects
  • 12% Weatherization
  • 8% Other Commercial Projects
  • 7% EnergySmart Grocer/Energy Savings Kits
  • 6% Lighting
  • 5% Commercial/Industrial Lighting
  • 4% Water Heaters/Showerheads
  • 2% Appliances
  • 2% New Manufactured Homes

One of the most popular energy-efficiency efforts for the past two years has been ductless heat pumps, which also serve as air conditioners when needed.

"Heat pumps can be up to three times more efficient than electric resistance heaters (furnaces, baseboards, wall heaters)," Wade says. "Not only can they save customers' money, heat pumps can also improve the comfort level of your home as they offer a more consistent air stream in terms of temperature."

Those $2 million in rebates resulted in nearly 7 million kWh of savings. Here's how those kWh were saved, in percentages:

  • 27% Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning
  • 21% Commercial/Industrial Custom Projects
  • 13% Lighting
  • 11% Commercial/Industrial Lighting
  • 11% EnergySmart Grocer/Energy Savings Kits
  • 7% Other Commercial Projects
  • 4% Weatherization
  • 3% Water Heaters/Showerheads
  • 2% Appliances
  • 2% New Manufactured Homes

However, some popular rebates will be reduced in three months, due to BPA program changes:

  • Currently, there is a $1300 rebate for ductless heat pumps. As of April 1, 2022 it will be $750.
  • Currently, there is a $150 rebate for smart thermostats. As of April 1, 2022 it will be $100.
  • Currently, there is a $700-$2,100 rebate for ducted heat pumps. As of April 1, 2022 it will be $500-$1400.

In order to get the higher rebate, qualifying heat pumps or smart thermostats must be purchased and installed by 3/31/22.

For more detail about our energy saving rebates, visit our energy efficiency page. And please be certain to call our Energy Experts before starting a project like a remodel to ensure your project qualifies at 888-883-9879.