Cambridge Bancorp

05/24/2023 | Press release | Archived content

A Responsible Partner

Our team works hard to build that trust with you. We are bound to act solely in your best interest, and we preserve that diligently through the way we run the bank and interact with our communities.

Governing with Trust
Our bank's key governing bodies are notably diverse and independent with Our Board of Directors oversees the President, CEO, and other senior management to manage our risk and ensure we serve our shareholders' long-term interests.

How Do We Manage Risk?
We manage risk along three principles: overall capacity, financial strength, and acceptable levels.

As a bank, we have a limited risk capacity. So, we prioritize the risks we must take and avoid those we can.

For the risks we take, we always ensure we have the financial strength to absorb adverse outcomes. We hope for the best and plan for the worst. We want to be strong, flexible, and safe while capitalizing on organic growth opportunities. Risk is an essential part of that calculation.

Finally, we quantify and qualify risks before we accept them. We ensure we understand how to monitor, manage, and control any risk before taking it on.

In the Community
We connect with our New Hampshire and Massachusetts communities through our work, grants, educational classes, volunteering, and more. From helping families get their first home to supporting business growth, we're excited to be their partner.

Finding Your Home
Homeownership is a goal we love helping our clients realize. In the past few years alone, we've counseled over 2,500 first-time home buyers in our communities to help them prepare for the financial commitment of owning a home.

We also work with partners like the Massachusetts Housing Partnership, whose innovative policy and financing solutions to provide affordable homes and better lives for the people of Massachusetts. For more on our work in affordable housing and with MHP, see our recent blog.

"The community is at the heart of Cambridge Trust. Whether receiving paid time off to volunteer, supporting local organizations through philanthropic commitments, or providing the best in banking and wealth management services to community-focused ventures-commerce and cause are synonymous in how we lead and innovate as a company."
  • Daniel Heying, AVP, Senior Community, Partnerships & Development Specialist

Building Your Dream
We love connecting with organizations to help them scale. We contribute to nonprofit growth with the Cambridge Trust Charitable Foundation and support local businesses through our financial service lines.

Our foundation provides grants on a rolling basis to 501c(3)s in our communities. From educational programs to youth and family services outreach, we enjoy hearing about and supporting the outstanding work of our neighborhood nonprofits.

On the financial services side, we work with various bustling businesses. One client we assisted was the Waltham-based ECA Solar. Through our lending, we helped ECA generate 182 megawatts of solar power- enough to power 29,000 homes. In addition, ECA has installed over six million square feet of solar equipment to date.

A Deep-Rooted Foundation
As a bank, we must trust and be trusted by our partners and clients. We built our company on this principle. We've imbued every aspect of our operations with intelligent risk management and oversight.

We consistently find new and impactful ways to engage with our communities to see our employees flourish and to help you get to know us and how we work.

We are your bank. For more than a hundred years, we've been here to help you grow your business, buy your first home, and improve your neighborhood. And we cannot wait to see what changes and growth the next hundred years will bring.