Swedish Match AB

08/01/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/01/2022 01:28

SWMA Aug 1, 2022 9:11 AM CET + 0.2 % 106.45 SEK The share

The share

Monday, 1 August 2022, 9:11 CET
SWMA (Stockholm) SEK/share
+/- % Buy Sell Last High Low Volume
+0.25 +0.24 106.40 106.45 106.45 106.45 106.20 104,397
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Total return
Volume (Number of shares traded on Nasdaq Stockholm)
Regulatory Information:
Press ReleasesDividendSplit
Comparison in percent
IndexOMXS30 - OMX Stockholm 30
PeersBATS - Brittish American Tobacco (XLON)
IMB - Imperial Brand (XLON)
MO - Altria Group INC (XNYS)
PMI - Philip Morris International (XSWX)
AXFO - Axfood (XSTO)
CARL B - Carlsberg B (XCSE)
HEIA - Heineken NV (XAMS)
RI - Pernod Ricard SA (XPAR)


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SWMA - Swedish Match (XSTO)
Total return
OMXS30 - OMX Stockholm 30
BATS - Brittish American Tobacco (XLON)
IMB - Imperial Brand (XLON)
MO - Altria Group INC (XNYS)
PMI - Philip Morris International (XSWX)
AXFO - Axfood (XSTO)
CARL B - Carlsberg B (XCSE)
HEIA - Heineken NV (XAMS)
RI - Pernod Ricard SA (XPAR)

CET. Price delayed 15 min. Information provided by Cision

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The share information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes. If you are contemplating trading in the securities of Swedish Match AB, we strongly advice you to first seek independent professional advice before making any investment decision.

Trading markets

Shows the closing price 2022-07-29 % Last Volume
XSTO (Nasdaq Stockholm) -0.28% 106.20 3,204,432
Cboe Europe Equities BXE -0.05% 106.48 577,116
Cboe Europe Equities CXE +0.00% 106.50 850
TRQX (Turquoise) -0.05% 106.50 1,094

Shows trading period 2022-07-04 - 2022-07-29 Volume Market share
XSTO (Nasdaq Stockholm) 69,916,255 80.78%
Cboe Europe Equities BXE 15,995,076 18.48%
Cboe Europe Equities CXE 87,452 0.10%
TRQX (Turquoise) 555,094 0.64%

CET. Price delayed 15 min Information provided by Cision

The share information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes. If you are contemplating trading in the securities of Swedish Match AB, we strongly advice you to first seek independent professional advice before making any investment decision.

Trading markets - turnover 2020

Nasdaq Cboe London Stock Exchange Other trading
1/31/2021 103,983,700 150,939,880 24,514,890 20,272,150
2/28/2021 197,409,070 226,171,560 44,985,010 39,489,650
3/31/2021 139,873,360 145,873,280 17,817,000 14,754,480
4/30/2020 134,300,040 396,019,470 119,339,750 31,724,060
5/29/2021 107,462,886 81,432,407 23,278,839 20,606,439
6/30/2021 82,034,229 68,403,358 17,570,821 15,681,212
7/31/2021 69,302,148 72,442,044 22,960,339 11,449,018
8/31/2021 61,794,005 51,513,540 12,062,584 7,367,289
9/30/2021 69,103,380 58,818,053 15,075,548 12,130,224
10/30/2021 66,245,148 81,575,410 18,954,964 15,334,692
11/30/2021 146,001,212 156,577,784 51,551,273 70,790,743
12/31/2021 92,075,829 117,709,984 32,791,553 14,429,942

Share information

Previous Close 106.20
52 week High 106.85
52 week High Date Jul 28, 2022
52 week Low 65.02
52 week Low Date Dec 3, 2021
52 weeks % 38.10
YTD 47.81
Share data 2021 2020 2019
Earnings per share, basic and diluted, SEK1) 3.97 3.04 2.32
Dividend per share, SEK1)2) 1.86 1.50 1.25
Dividend pay-out ratio, excluding larger one-time items, % 49 47 49
Market price at year-end, SEK 72.02 63.78 48.28
Market capitalization at year-end, billion SEK3) 110.3 101.0 78.8
P/E-ratio 18.1 21.0 20.8
EBIT multiple 15 16.4 17.1
Total return, % 15.3 35.0 41.5

1) A sharesplit (1:10) was made in May 2021. Historical share data in this report has been restated in accoradance with IAS 33.

2) Dividend for 2021 is Board's proposal.

3) Excluding shares held by Swedish Match.

Share price history

Nasdaq Stockholm
Download Excel file(data available from May 15, 1996)
Nasdaq US
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(Until date of delisting Oct 18, 2004.)

The Swedish Match Nasdaq US share price history is not adjusted for the 10:1 share split which became effective on May 7, 2021.

Listing information

Name: Swedish Match AB
Stock exchange: Nasdaq Stockholm
First listing: May 15, 1996
Ticker code: SWMA
Bloomberg code: SWMA
Reuters code: SWMA.ST
ISIN Code: SE0015812219
List: Large Cap
Sector: Consumer Staples
Index listings: Swedish Match is included in a number of indexes, including for example OMXS30, and OMXS3020. For more information see Index listings.

  • Number of shares (billion)* 1.525
  • Total share value (billion)* 162.336

* Based on a total number of shares, incl. shares held by Swedish Match

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