ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research

11/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/22/2024 02:10

Big Data and Productivity: No Automatic Relationship // ZEW Analyses Relationship Between Big Data and Productivity

ZEW Analyses Relationship Between Big Data and Productivity

Hopes that big data will boost labour productivity have not been fully realised so far, shows a ZEW study.

Hopes that big data will boost labour productivity have not been fully realised so far. A study by ZEW Mannheim shows: The effect of big data on labour productivity depends primarily on the extent of data analysis. The researchers examined official company data from statistics authorities in Germany and the Netherlands for the study.

"The availability of data and computing capacity has increased at a high pace in recent years, enabling companies to perform big data analytics," explains the study's co-author Robin Sack, member of ZEW's "Digital Economy" Research Unit.