09/06/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/06/2024 17:18
Posted on Friday, September 06, 2024
President J.W. Crawford III
President James W. Crawford III shares his thoughts in a bi-weekly video message to the TSU community. In this week's address, he celebrated the TSU football team's Labor Day Classic victory and shared a message every Tiger can take away from the win. He also celebrated 26 new retirees who spent as many as 36 years serving our institution. President Crawford's message to students this week is for them to spend time thinking about their life plan, and that the path to excellence in achievement involves being thoughtful, disciplined, and having the will and fortitude to stay the course through the joy, pain, and sacrifice that comes with any endeavor worth doing.
Category: Faculty & Staff, Students, Alumni, News Media