Council of the European Union

11/24/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/24/2022 04:16

Media advisory - Extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council of 25 November 2022

  • Consiglio dell'UE
  • Comunicazione per i media
  • 24 novembre 2022
  • 11:15

Media advisory - Extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council of 25 November 2022

Indicative programme

All times are approximate and subject to change

Vít Rakušan, Czech Minister of Interior

+/- 14.00
Arrivals (live streaming)

+/- 15.00
Doorstep by Vít Rakušan, Czech Minister of Interior (live streaming)

Beginning of the Extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council

Adoption of the agenda

Current situation along all migratory routes, taking stock of the urgent challenges and joint way forward

At the end of the meeting (+/- 19.00) press conference in live streaming.

Arrangements for the press conference

Press conference will take place in a hybrid format: EU accredited journalists will be able to participate and ask questions either remotely or in person at the Justus Lipsius building press room.

If you haven't registered for one of the previous Justice and Home Affairs Council press events, please use this link to do so and have the possibility to ask questions remotely.

  • Deadline for registration: Friday, 25 November 2022, 17.00

Further instructions will be sent to all registered participants shortly after the deadline.

Contatti stampa

Verónica Huertas Cerdeira Press officer +32 470 88 21 99 +32 2 281 45 48

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