01/22/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/22/2025 09:33
Jan. 22, 2025
Contact: Joanna Bell
Arts and Culture Director
Parks, Natural Resources and Cultural Affairs
Artspace to visit Fayetteville for feasibility study
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. - Artspace, the country's leading nonprofit developer for the arts, will visit Fayetteville in February to conduct a new feasibility study commissioned by the City of Fayetteville's Arts and Culture Division and Economic Vitality Department.
Artspace conducted a preliminary feasibility study in 2018. This visit will take place Tuesday, Feb. 4, through Thursday, Feb. 6. It will focus on assessing the potential for creative space development in Fayetteville and exploring ways to support the city's vibrant arts community.
During the visit, a public meeting will be held Wednesday, Feb. 5, during which Artspace representatives will share findings from its 2018 study, discuss current creative space needs and present Artspace's model for developing affordable live/work spaces for artists and arts organizations.
The meeting will be held 5-7 p.m. in the Walker Community Room of the Fayetteville Public Library. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback, share ideas and engage in discussions about the future of Fayetteville's creative spaces. Artists, arts organizations, community members and local leaders are encouraged to attend.
Artspace's mission is to create, foster and preserve affordable and sustainable spaces for artists and arts organizations.
"This visit marks an exciting step toward strengthening Fayetteville's creative ecosystem and ensuring its cultural assets thrive for years to come," said Joanna Sheehan Bell, arts and culture director.
For more information about Artspace's visit or the public meeting, contact Bell at 479-718-7605 or [email protected].