09/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 02:25
Catarina Tavares, nurse at Hospital da Luz Aveiro, was the winner of the photographic competition "Portraits of life in Hospitals" in Portuguese-speaking countries, promoted by the Portuguese Association of Private Hospitalization (APHP) together with the Brazilian Federation of Hospitals (FBH).
The award-winning photo, signed by the Hospital da Luz nurse - showing a plush doll with a surgical cap, inside the surgical center - was revealed in Rio de Janeiro, during the 47th World Hospital Congress, which took place between the 11th and 13th of September 2024.
Catarina Tavares has been an amateur photographer "for several years" and shoots "the camera or cell phone whenever she can". Travel, portraits of friends and family and, of course, hospital environments and moments of life can all be a good excuse to click the camera and save a good image. "All you need is to have your cell phone or camera nearby and the right light to be able to take good photos", he explains.
The photo with which you participated in this APHP and FBH competition is a portrait of your professional day-to-day life. A block nurse, Catarina is a regular member of pediatric surgery teams. "We always ask children undergoing surgery to bring their favorite stuffed animal to accompany them inside the block. At that moment, the stuffed animal is something that gives them security. And we simulate on the doll what we are going to do with them: we put a den on it, we put on the mask as if we were going to anesthetize the stuffed animal, we pretend that it has a catheter... These are gestures that calm the children, in that difficult context. Because they realize that we don't do anything wrong with their favorite doll", says the nurse.
And she adds: "I called the photograph 'Little Heroes' precisely because I feel that this is exactly what these children reveal themselves to be, when they enter the block to undergo surgery: kids with a lot of courage, facing a difficult environment."
Catarina Tavares had already stood out in a photography contest held by Luz Saúde, on World Hand Hygiene Day, as one of the winners. Now, it is the first choice among the dozens of images made by health professionals from Portuguese-speaking countries, who competed for "Portraits of life in Hospitals".
"This competition, which brings together hospital employees who speak Portuguese on four continents, aims to motivate artistic expression related to the hospital environment, as well as to encourage and recognize the creativity of hospital professionals who are passionate about photography. I am sure that the initiative will be well received and a success, like the Portuguese edition that we launched last year», said, at the time of the launch of the competition, Óscar Gaspar, president of APHP - quoted on this Association's website.
The competition jury chose the 10 best photographs to be exhibited at the World Hospital Congress in Rio de Janeiro, of which "Little Heroes" was considered the best.
Luz Saúde wishes Catarina Tavares personal and professional success.