SESAR - Single European Sky ATM Research

01/27/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/27/2025 18:10

Limited national initiatives confirm SESAR JU leadership in European ATM research

Results of a recent survey reaffirm the central role of the SESAR project in driving the modernisation of European air traffic management (ATM), as national and regional funding for ATM research and innovation remains relatively limited.

The survey was carried out by the SESAR Joint Undertaking's States's Representatives Group, which mapped national and regional policies potentially aligned with the Digital European Sky, the SESAR JU's research and innovation programme. The survey received 14 responses out of the 32* countries surveyed. Among them, five countries stated that they were actively engaged in ATM modernisation, with projects, programmes, or initiatives funded at national or regional level and aligned with SESAR priorities. A further five countries highlighted their participation in SESAR projects or described broader research and innovation frameworks focusing on the environment, digitalisation, connectivity and cyber-security. Four of the participating countries said there were no related activities taking place nationally.

The findings reaffirm the central role of SESAR JU in driving ATM research and innovation across Europe, emphasising the need for closer coordination between EU, national, and regional efforts to deliver the Digital European Sky and make Europe the most efficient and environmentally-sky to fly in the word.

* 26 EU Member States and 6 associated countries to Horizon Europe