Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan

12/14/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/14/2024 03:43

A meeting on the results of 2024 is held with military attachés accredited to Azerbaijan

A meeting on the results of 2024 was held with the foreign countries' military attachés accredited to Azerbaijan. The International Military Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Defense hosted the meeting.
The meeting was attended by 34 representatives of foreign states accredited to Azerbaijan.
Speaking about the victory in the 44-day Patriotic War, the Chief of the International Military Cooperation Department, Colonel Elchin Abdullayev noted that Azerbaijan achieved a historic victory, put an end to the 30-year occupation and separatist regime, as well as ensured the security in the South Caucasus region.
At the meeting, the work done within military cooperation in Azerbaijan in 2024 was highlighted and detailed information regarding the attachés' visits to various territories of the country was provided. A thorough exchange of views on activities for the upcoming year and prospective plans was held, and questions of military attachés were answered.