New Zealand Inland Revenue

02/09/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Liquor store businesses initiative

09 February 2024

From Monday 19 February to Friday 8 March, our Community Compliance teams will be visiting liquor store businesses, including independent and franchised liquor retailers, across most locations. This does not include bars or hospitality venues.

Our teams will be looking at:

  • income suppression
  • record keeping practises, including when using cash
  • employer obligations.

We want to help our customers struggling to meet their tax obligations. We know mistakes happen, so we are encouraging voluntary disclosures to make things right.

If you own a liquor store and have a tax agent or bookkeeper, we suggest you contact them for more in-depth assistance. We will be talking about the benefits of having a tax agent or bookkeeper with those who do not have one.