U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

12/03/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/04/2021 09:18

Health Equity in Action

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum Forging Partnerships

Populations of focus: People from Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AA and NH/PI) communities who are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 (including disproportionately affected essential workers, multigenerational households, and people with diabetes) in the metropolitan areas of Seattle, Washington and New York City, New York; Northern California; and all islands of Hawaii

Purpose: Create (AA and NH/PI) community partnerships to provide translated COVID-19 messages to meet the unique needs, strengths, and preferences of the communities.

Partners: Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs, Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations, Coalition for Asian American Children and Families, National Council of Asian Pacific Americans, NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health, Pacific Islander Center of Primary Care Excellence, Pacific Islander Community Association of Washington, Papa Ola Lokahi, Progressive Vietnamese American Organization, Southeast Asia Resource Action Center, Tzu Chi USA, and Vietnamese American Roundtable

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