Province of Alberta

04/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/29/2024 08:49

National Day of Mourning: Minister Jones

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"April 28 marks the National Day of Mourning, a time to honour and remember workers killed or injured on the job, and those that have suffered a work-related illness. Today, my thoughts and prayers are with these workers, their families, friends and colleagues. I encourage all Albertans to take a moment to remember our fallen workers.

"In 2023, we lost 165 Albertans as a result of workplace incidents or illnesses. They were not just workers. They were parents, spouses, siblings, sons, daughters, neighbours, and friends. They were part of our communities, and their contributions will always be remembered.

"The National Day of Mourning reminds us that everyone - employers, workers, and governments - has the responsibility to create healthy and safe workplaces. Together, we need to take action to help ensure everyone can make it home to their families at the end of the work day.

"Alberta's government continues to move forward with initiatives that improve workplace health and safety such as the OHS Prevention Initiative, Certificate of Recognition program, ongoing review and updates to the OHS Code and providing access to more than 400 free resources, several of which are available in multiple languages.

"Let us take a moment today to honour and remember our fallen workers. Let us also take a moment to consider how we can do better and help prevent deaths, injuries, and illnesses in our workplaces."