Banco de Portugal

05/26/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/26/2022 12:45

Entities that are not authorised to provide payment services: Babuna Djabi and Fatú Sauane

1. Banco de Portugal warns that Babuna Djabi and Fatú Sauane, taxpayer number 201870282 and 238147037 respectively, are not authorised on this date to provide payment services in Portugal, namely money remittance to and from abroad or to carry any financial activity subject to the supervision of Banco de Portugal.

2. In Portugal, payment services activities as envisaged in Article 4 of the legal framework approved in the Annex of the Decree-Law No 91/2018 of 12 November may only be carried out by authorised entities, in accordance with Article 11 (1) of the mentioned Decree-Law. The list of authorised entities is available for consultation on Banco de Portugal's website.