Statistics Portugal

01/10/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/10/2025 05:02

Industry turnover slowed down to 0.8%


In year-on-year and nominal terms, the Industry Turnover Index rose 0.8% in November, down by 1.2 percentage points from October. Excluding the Energy grouping, turnover grew 1.2% (3.3% in the previous month). External Market increased 6,4% (5.5% in October), while non-domestic market index decreased 2.3% (change rate of -0.1% in the previous month).

Employment and hours worked (adjusted for calendar effects) index change rate stood at -0.4% and -2.0% (0.1% and 1.1% in October), respectively. Wages grew 7.1% (7.7% in the previous month).