UTSA - The University of Texas at San Antonio

09/26/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2022 03:59

Fellowships recognize outstanding newly tenured UTSA faculty

Chung is an associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology. Her research focuses on understanding cardiac and metabolic adaptations in various stimuli including pregnancy, exercise, diet and obesity. She plans to use funding from the fellowship to expand the scope of research that her team is conducting on obesity and related diseases.

García-Louis is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. Her research seeks to disrupt negative stereotypes about Latinxs, minoritized populations, and underrepresented groups in higher education through the critical incorporation of culturally appropriate, asset-based methodological approaches. She hopes to use funding from the fellowship to make conferences and research more accessible to students and the community.

Griffin, an associate professor in the School of Architecture and Planning, studies how planners and publics work together with technology to improve transportation, civic engagement and health. He currently works as a co-principal investigator for the UTSA ScooterLab, where he and his team research micromobility. The fellowship funding will help support Griffin's micromobility research and international planning studies to meet developing urban and regional challenges.

Malshe is an associate professor in the Department of Marketing. His research interests include social media marketing, the intersection of marketing and finance, consumer behavior and machine learning. In particular, his research focuses on measuring the impact of marketing strategy in financial markets. He intends to use the funding to continue his work on several projects in which he is using machine learning to analyze textual data.

Mayer is an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Her research interests include biophysics, optical techniques, single molecule studies, plasmonics, nanotechnology and nanomedicine. She directs the Mayer Lab, where she works with students to analyze metallic nanoparticles and their applications in biology and medicine. Mayer plans to use her fellowship funds to further support her team's research during the upcoming year.

Piel, an associate professor in the Department of Social Work, studies child welfare and foster care systems, youth and family resilience, and mental health and trauma. Since 2019, she has worked as the principal investigator for the Bexar County Fostering Educational Success Pilot Project (BCFES), which aims to improve graduation rates and promote postsecondary academic success for students with a history of foster care. She intends to use the fellowship funds to continue her research and improve outcomes for youth and families in the foster care system.

Valecha is an associate professor in the Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security. He conducts research to analyze crisis response, health information security, information privacy, cybersecurity and social media. His research utilizes social, psychology and design theories for understanding the role of social media in mitigating large-scale societal disruptions. He plans to expand his research on these topics using funding from the fellowship.

Jadliwala is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science. His research spans all aspects of cyber and cyber-physical systems security and user privacy. He currently directs the Security, Privacy, Trust and Ethics in Computing Lab (SPriTELab). Jadliwala will use his fellowship funding to continue his team's security and privacy research and to advance education and student training opportunities in these areas.

Gong, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, conducts research involving security and privacy in big data, machine learning, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, mobile computing and wireless networks. She is the director the Trustworthy and Intelligent Networked Systems Lab (TINS). Gong plans to further advance her research program and establish more research collaborations at UTSA with her fellowship funds.