University of Westminster

05/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/09/2024 07:55

Politics and International Relations Master's students visit Kosovo Parliament

Postgraduate students from courses in Politics and International Relations had the opportunity to visit Kosovo and learn more about the international relationships and political landscape of the country between 23 - 26 April.

Reader in International Relations Dr Aidan Hehir and Professor Sam Raphael led a group of postgraduate students from the International Relations and Democratic Politics MA, International Relations MA, International Relations and Security MA and Diplomacy and Global Politics MA on to the Kosovo study trip. The trip was funded by the Quintin Hogg Trust (QHT) which supports the educational advancement of students at the University of Westminster.

With the support of the Kosovo Centre of Diplomacy, the group visited the Kosovo Parliament as well as the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), which promotes security, stability and respect for human rights in Kosovo, and the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), the biggest civilian mission launched under the Common Security and Defence Policy within the European Union.

Students were also taken on a guided tour of the Humanitarian Law Centre's exhibition dedicated to children killed during the 1998-2000 conflict and attended a special lecture at the International Business College in Mitrovica, Kosovo's only multi-ethnic university.

Leslie Louie, a student who participated in the trip, said: "Visiting Kosovo allowed us to see and feel the institutional mechanisms and challenges of state building, transitional justice and multilateral cooperation. Being immersed in geopolitics in situ helped us develop a depth of understanding and working knowledge that surpassed what we could learn in the classroom alone. Dr Hehir's expertise on Kosovo and his local connections afforded us incredible access and professional connections to UNMIK, EULEX, think tanks and scholars. I'll carry the learnings from this experience with me forever."

Dr Hehir said: "The trip was a huge success, and one which I'm sure will have a lasting impact. Our students were enthusiastic and engaged throughout and really made the most of the experience. I was very proud to take such a diverse group to Kosovo and delighted with the way they embraced this fascinating country and its people."

Students at International Business College Mitrovica

This study trip directly contributed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4: Quality Education and 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Since 2019, the University of Westminster has used the SDGs holistically to frame strategic decisions to help students and colleagues fulfil their potential and contribute to a more sustainable, equitable and healthier society.

Learn more about courses in Politics and International Relations at the University of Westminster.