Katherine Clark

07/30/2021 | Press release | Archived content

Assistant Speaker Clark Lauds Signing of Capitol Security Supplemental Funding

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark (MA-5) celebrated President Biden signing the Emergency Security Supplemental to Respond to January 6th Appropriations Act. The House first passed their version of the bill in May, and passed the final Senate package in late July. Informed by the recommendations of the Task Force 1-6 Capitol Security Review led by Lieutenant General (Retired) Russel L. Honoré and comprised of senior retired military leaders and law enforcement experts, it will secure the safety of the Capitol, protect facilities, Members, employees, and visitors.

'On January 6, our Capitol - and our very democracy - were attacked. The perpetrators behind the insurrection were not afraid to use violence, and the tragic results included loss of life, injuries, property destruction, and emotional trauma for the entire community, from staff to Capitol Police,' said Assistant Speaker Clark. 'As the testimony from security officers at the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th attack made clear, we cannot wait another second to provide financial and emotional support to the Capitol security, to fortify the citadel of our democracy, and ultimately, to help us all begin to rebuild and heal. I'm grateful to the President for signing this bill into law so we can start that process right away.'

The legislation responds to the direct costs incurred by the violent attack on the Capitol, by:

  • Reimbursing the National Guard and the District of Columbia, and other federal agencies for their response and subsequent presence at the Capitol.
  • Supporting the Capitol Police with overtime pay, retention bonuses, equipment replacement, and wellness and trauma support.
  • Prosecuting the hundreds of perpetrators who attacked law enforcement and defiled our temple of democracy.
  • Informed by the Capitol Security Review, the legislation strengthens security, by:
  • Improving security by hardening windows and doors, constructing security screening vestibules, and installing new cameras.
  • Creating a dedicated Quick Reaction Force to augment the Capitol Police in cases of emergency.
  • Bolstering security for Members of Congress, as well as for federal judges - many of whom are presiding over trials of January 6 insurrectionists.
  • Providing specialized training, riot control equipment and body cameras for the Capitol Police.

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