12/14/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/14/2024 05:33
SECRETARY BLINKEN:Well, good morning everyone. It's a pleasure to meet with Special Envoy Pederson from the UN to talk about the challenges that we face - indeed, face together - in Syria; our determination to work together to support a Syrian-led transition where the United Nations plays a critical role, particularly when it comes to the provision of assistance, to the protection of minorities, to all the work that needs to happen going forward. So, I look forward to this opportunity to compare notes with the envoy, and to, again, think through how we can support the Syrian people in this time of both opportunity but also real challenge, and to do so in the spirit of UN Security Council Resolution 2254.
Thank you so much for being here today.
MR PEDERSON:Thank you so much. Let me just underscore what was already said. Very pleased to be able to sit here today and to compare notes. My message has been very clear the last few days, and that is what is so critical in Syria is that we see a credible and inclusive political process that brings together all of Syria, all communities in Syria. And the second point is that we need to make sure that state institutions do not collapse, and that we get in humanitarian assistance as quickly as possible. And if we can achieve that, perhaps there is a new opportunity for the Syrian people. Thank you.