Meta Platforms Inc.

05/01/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/01/2024 08:31

New Ways to Organize Events in WhatsApp Communities


New Ways to Organize Events in WhatsApp Communities

May 1, 2024May 1, 2024


  • We're introducing a new way for people to organize events on WhatsApp.
  • People can also reply to announcements from admins in WhatsApp Communities, a feature that makes it easier to keep WhatsApp groups connected.

Since launching WhatsApp Communities, we've seen neighborhoods, school associations, hobbyists and more use the feature to keep groups connected and organized. To help bring communities even closer together, we're adding a new way for people to organize events on WhatsApp, and we're introducing organized replies in Announcement Groups so members can respond to important updates from admins.

With events it's now easier to plan get togethers directly in WhatsApp, whether it's setting up a virtual meeting or birthday dinner. Anyone can create an event that others can respond to, so the whole group knows who is coming. Guests can also find the event in the group's information page, and those going will get a notification when the event is getting close. Events are coming to groups that belong to a Community first, and will roll out to all groups over the coming months.

We're also bringing replies to Announcement Groups, so admins can hear from their members while keeping these groups an easy place to catch up on what's happening in your Community. Replies are grouped together and minimized so you can see what others have said in context, and notifications are muted for everyone.

Over the next few months, we'll keep rolling out new features to Communities and groups so people have more tools to keep their lives organized on WhatsApp.


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