02/04/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/04/2025 04:00
The Mayor stated in his manifesto ahead of the May 2024 election that he will "launch an ambitious plan to make rivers in London swimmable within ten years." [1]
Thames Water is responsible for the drainage and wastewater across London and the surrounding area. In its submission to the Committee, they state that in the River Thames Basin, water companies are responsible for around a third of reasons why rivers do not achieve 'good' status in the Water Framework Directive.
Much of central London has combined sewer and surface water drains, which are particularly vulnerable to releasing sewage into water bodies during heavy rain. Pollution can also be caused by misconnected pipes and damage to sewers or blockages. Thames Water set a target of reducing the number of pollution incidents by 30 per cent by 2025. [2]
Tomorrow, the London Assembly Environment Committee will continue its investigation into the Mayor's 'swimmable rivers' manifesto commitment, specifically what are the biggest priorities for improving the water quality in London's rivers, what are the biggest challenges in funding improvements to local rivers, and estimates of what the overall commitment may cost.
The guests are:
Panel 1
Panel 2
The meeting will take place on Wednesday 5 February 2025 from 10am in Committee Rooms 2&3 at City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, E16 1ZE.
Media and members of the public are invited to attend.
The meeting can also be viewed LIVE or later via webcast or YouTube.
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