Gus M. Bilirakis

05/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/22/2024 08:35

Bilirakis Joins Growing Group of Lawmakers Fighting to Strengthen Tracking of Illegal Aliens Prior to Deportation

Washington, DC:As President Biden's lax border policies continue to allow an invasion of illegal aliens through the nation's southern border, U.S. Congressman Gus Bilirakis has joined a growing group of lawmakers who are fighting back by co-authoring the Reshape ATF Act. The legislation requires detention beds to be fully utilized (no catch-and-release); eliminates two federal programs that funnel taxpayer dollars to pay for social services for illegals; and requires any non-detained alien to be electronically monitored through the utilization of both biometric and GPS technology. With this technology, law enforcement can pinpoint the exact location of illegal aliens once they have entered the country until they are deported. "Because of President Biden's reckless open border policies, there are currently millions ofillegal aliens in the wandering the United States unsupervised. We don't know who they are or what they're doing - which has already proven dangerous. While I want to see much more severe action taken to protect our national security by securing the border - such as the measures contained in HR 2, I believe this legislation is an important and reasonable step forward," said Congressman Bilirakis. "My constituents don't want to see their tax dollars used to support the needs of illegal aliens as they struggle to make ends meet and they don't want those who have broken the law to come here being released onto the streets of communities throughout the U.S. without any supervision. More than 1 million illegal aliens in the United States already have final orders for removal. However, since we don't have a mechanism for tracking them in place, they are evading deportation. Had this proposed law been enacted prior to their release into our country, law enforcement could have immediately located and removed them once the deportation order was issued."

When discussing the urgent need for this legislation, the bill's primary House Sponsor, Rep. Donaldson, noted, "These people should be held in detention facilities upon entering the United States, however, because Joe Biden has dismantled ICE's ATD program, they are all-too-often released into our country's interior and subsequently lost. This is why it's critical that we utilize biometrics and GPS technology to ensure that law enforcement can pinpoint the exact location of illegal aliens prior to deportation."