01/14/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/14/2025 13:17
GODFREY - Lewis and Clark Community College is meeting the changes and challenges in the growing real estate field by offering classes to help individuals enter that career field as brokers.
An individual must pass a total of 75 hours of instruction to take the Real Estate Broker's licensure exam. Lewis and Clark is offering three different classes of Real Estate, all of which are needed for the exam:
All three courses will be taught by local real estate professional Kevin Botterbush, ABR, MRP.
Students must be 18 years old to take the Illinois Real Estate Broker Exam and must possess a high school diploma or equivalent.
Enroll now at www.lc.edu or by calling the Enrollment Center at (800) YES-LCCC or (618) 468-2222.
For more information about the real estate program, contact Botterbush at (618) 973-1643 or [email protected].