01/22/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/22/2025 09:07
January 22, 2025
Tallahasseeans woke up to a snowy, icy winter wonderland, which has created hazardous roadway conditions. According to the National Weather Service, Tallahassee remains under a Winter Storm Warning. The temperature is forecast to barely rise above freezing today and dip down again overnight. This will thaw then refreeze much of the precipitation currently on the ground.
TPD urges residents to stay off the roads for their safety and the safety of emergency responders.
The City of Tallahassee's emergency responders continue to respond to impacts from the winter weather and stand ready to respond as swiftly as safely possible to service issues as they arise. As part of City operational preparedness and safety plans, some City service schedules for today have changed. Current updates as of 10:00 a.m. on Jan. 22 are below.
Daily Operations Schedule
Today, Wednesday, January 22
The City of Tallahassee wants to ensure residents know what to do when the forecast calls for freezing temperatures and other inclement winter weather conditions. Visit Talgov.com/ColdWeather for tips and information. Customers can call 850-891-4968 for utility service needs or report service issues via the City's free DigiTally app.
Stay weather aware with information from the National Weather Service at Weather.gov/tae or X.com/NWSTallahassee.