Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change of the Republic of India

05/26/2023 | Press release | Archived content

‘Itanagar Biodiversity Walk’ at the Itanagar Zoological Park held under Mission LiFE theme ‘Adopt Healthy Lifestyles’

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

'Itanagar Biodiversity Walk' at the Itanagar Zoological Park held under Mission LiFE theme 'Adopt Healthy Lifestyles'

Posted On: 26 MAY 2023 8:59PM by PIB Delhi

World Environment Day (June 5) is an occasion which brings together millions of people across the country for awareness and action for the environment. This year, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India envisages to celebrate the World Environment Day 2023 with a thrust on the Mission LiFE. The concept of LiFE, i.e., Lifestyle for Environment was introduced by the Hon'ble Prime Minister, at the World Leaders' Summit in Glasgow at the 2021 UNFCCC COP26, when he gave a clarion call to rekindle a global pursuit to adopt sustainable lifestyle and practices. Mass mobilisation across the country on LiFE are being organized in the run-up to the celebrations.

  1. Zoological Survey of India

Zoological Survey of India in collaboration with IQ City United World School of Business, Kolkata conducted a Green talk on Green Sustainability under Mission LiFE on 26th May, 2023 at UWSB campus,Kolkata.

Debashree Dam, Scientist from ZSI spoke about Mission LiFE and incorporating healthy habits in individual lives. The session was attended by 100 graduate and post-graduate students of the same college. It was an interactive and interesting session where all the participants learnt how to make minute changes in their lifestyles for larger sustainable development. The session ended with a Vote of thanks and a Pledge for "Mission LiFE".

Mission LiFE awareness programe was held at various places in Dehradun on 26.05.2023.An event was organised at Tapkeswar to make people, shopkeepers aware about saving energy and water. Another Programme was held at Garhi Cantt in which 120 people took part in the campaign. Third awareness campaign was organized at Survey of India, Dehradun to make people aware about Mission LiFE.

  1. GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE)

The North-East Regional Centre (NERC), of G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE) and Arunachal Pradesh Biodiversity Board (APBB) organized a nature learning awareness event 'Itanagar Biodiversity Walk' at the Itanagar Zoological Park, Itanagar under Mission LiFE theme 'Adopt Healthy Lifestyles'. During the program, the participants were sensitized on a sustainable approach for the conservation and safeguarding of the rich biodiversity of Arunachal Pradesh through community participation and adopting eco-friendly practices. A total of 30 participants from APBB, NIHE-NERC, and Himalayan University including scientists, research scholars, and government staff, attended the program. Further, a 4-days experimental learning program (ELP) on 'Promotion and Demonstration of Sustainable Farming Technologies for Livelihood Enhancement' was also organized under the mission LiFE themes 'Adopt Sustainable Food Systems' and 'Adopt Healthy Lifestyles'. A total of 12 students (3 male, 9 female) of B.Sc. (Agriculture) from Himalayan University, Itanagar Arunachal Pradesh completed the training on different low-cost farming technologies including vermicomposting, hydroponics, medicinal plant cultivation techniques, etc.

The Sikkim Regional Centre (SRC) of G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE) conducted an awareness and action program at Pangthang Junior High School, under the mission LiFE theme 'Adopt Healthy Lifestyles.' The students were sensitized on Himalayan biodiversity, the dependency of the inhabitants on bioresources, and crucial component of biodiversity. A plantation drive was also organized with the students, and 25 saplings of medicinal and wild edible plants were planted on the school campus as a conservation repository. A total of 40 students, teaching, and non-teaching staff participated in the program and also took the LiFE pledge.

G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE) conducted a brainstorming session under the 'Adopt Sustainable Lifestyles' theme of Mission LiFE at Garhwal Regional Centre (GRC) Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand on 26 May 2023. A total of 28 participants including, Scientists, faculties, researchers, and students from GRC, NIHE, HNB Garhwal University Srinagar, and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) Hyderabad, participated in the event.

  1. National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM)

The National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) conducted a public outreach on the Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) mission at Pichavaram in Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu. The Pichavaram mangrove, a Ramsar site, is one of the largest mangroves in India, spanning over an area of 1478 ha and supporting numerous species of plants, mammals, fishes, crustaceans, birds, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies, and insects. This wetland, a part of the Cauvery delta, is home to several resident and migratory birds and also supports various threatened, endangered, and vulnerable species, including Olive Ridleys. The mangroves offer several ecosystem services, such as breeding and nursery grounds for aquatic biota, nutrient recycling, carbon sequestration, and protection of the coast from extreme weather events. Additionally, the Pichavaram mangrove forest offers abundant scope for recreational activities, attracting over 1 lakh tourists annually. Plastic debris, discarded fishing gear, and other types of litter may accumulate in mangrove forests, threatening their health and ecological function. Clearing mangroves for urban expansion or aquaculture can hinder key ecosystem services. Hence, it is important to raise knowledge about the significance of mangrove ecosystems, encourage responsible waste management practices, enforce legislation against unlawful operations, and ensure long-term management of mangrove habitats.

NCSCM scientists, along with the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation (TTDC), conducted a clean-up event and awareness drive at the Pichavaram tourist circuit. NCSCM scientists emphasised the LiFE mission and the significance of wetland as well as wildlife conservation to over 250 participants from all over India. The various themes of the LiFE campaign, such as conservation of water, energy, and biodiversity, reducing single-use plastics, sustainable food practises, and a healthy lifestyle, were displayed as exhibits in the form of placards, posters, pamphlets, and the logo of LiFE. Additionally, NCSCM scientists sensitised tourists, local vendors, staff of TTDC, and representatives of the fishing community on mangrove afforestation, ecotourism, and the need to live in harmony with nature. During this event, a clean-up drive was conducted, where about 10 kg of single-use plastics were collected from the parking area and handed over to the material recovery facility. The scientists also emphasised the necessity of community participation (Janbhagidari) in mangrove conservation, restoration, and clean-up events to minimise the lotic input of plastic into wetlands, which is vital for the health of coastal and marine ecosystems. The public was made aware of the Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats and Tangible Incomes (MISHTI) scheme, which encourages afforestation and mangrove conservation. Further, the tourists were educated in a simple manner about the need to live in harmony with nature. As part of this event, the participants undertook the LiFE pledge and the signature campaign in support of the LiFE mission. Further, the tourists were made aware of the necessity to reduce plastics in such sensitive ecosystems by using eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastics, responsible tourism, waste segregation at the source, and adopting a sustainable lifestyle.

  1. Botanical Survey of India

BSI, Indian Botanical Garden Howrah Missionlife program today.

Today BSI, ERC, Shillong at Weiloi Village Junction organized an awareness event about the harmfulness of single use plastics to the nature and this was carried out in the presence of the headman of the Village along with the volunteers cleaning the area. Reusable shopping bag and local bamboo basket for waste collection were handed over to the Headman.

BSI, ERC, Shillong conducted Mission LiFE awareness campaign in various places of Meghalaya, viz. Umran Diary Presbyterian Secondary School, Umran; Umran Diary Village; Sati Raja Memorial Secondary School, Umsning and Umbang Village. More than 500 people including teachers and students were sensitized today about Mission LiFE list of actions. Plant saplings were also distributed in today's awareness campaign.

BSI, SRC, YERCAUD has conducted the Mission Life Awareness Campaign with the Director, Airport Authority of India, Salem. During this occasion, the importance of protecting our Environment was emphazised to the staff members of AAI, SALEM and distributed the cloth bags containing the brochure of Mission LiFE.



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