EFP - European Film Promotion

11/20/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/20/2023 00:42

public call for fss at the european film market 2024

EFP (European Film Promotion) is issuing a public call for Film Sales Support for the submission of digital promotion campaigns of recent European films to buyers and distributors in countries outside of Europe at the European Film Market (EFM) (15 - 21 February 2024) Germany - online.

Please submit applications via https://application.efp-online.com/
Application deadline: 22 January 2024

Who may submit?

  • European world sales companies registered in the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal of the European Commission, approved by the respective European film promotion institute and also registered online with the EFM to guarantee access to buyers outside of Europe

What is covered by FSS?

  • Costs/investments for digital promotion and marketing campaigns targeting buyers outside of Europe

Which films are eligible?

  • Recent films finished and unfinished films which have an original copyright established in 2023/2024
  • Majority-produced European films with a minimum length of 60' and an origin of country which is part of Creative Europe Media and part of the FSS Guidelines
  • Fiction films, animation films and documentaries (feature length)
  • Films must be part of the market
  • Applications may include up to 5 European finished and unfinished films
  • Applications may NOT include FINISHED films which have been supported via FSS at another market while they were still unfinished

How much is available?

  • An investment of up to 50% of the total costs up to a maximum of EUR 5,000 per campaign for an overall spend of EUR 10,000

Please also read the FSS guidelines carefully for more details: https://www.efp-online.com/en/project_market/guidelines.php

Support for films from Switzerland
EFP additionally offers FSS for the promotion of films from Switzerland outside of Europe thanks to new international measures by the Federal Office of Culture, Media Desk Suisse and SWISS FILMS. An application for films from Switzerland has to be submitted separately from an application for European films via the usual online application system.

Gender balance, diversity & inclusion and sustainability are important for EFP. Therefore, we highly welcome and encourage promotion campaigns that respect the environment as well as the diversity of filmmakers and story lines(seeCall for FSS Inclusion supporting films which depict gender balance, equity and inclusion, open until May 2024)
